Mercure Gold Coast Resort 4 stelle

Giudizio clienti (Valutazione ALL) 4.3/5 4.188 recensioni

Mercure Gold Coast Resort - Image 1
Mercure Gold Coast Resort - Image 2
Mercure Gold Coast Resort - Image 3
Mercure Gold Coast Resort - Image 4


I plus dell'hotel

  • Rilassante resort adagiato tra lussureggianti giardini tropicali

  • Per famiglie con parcheggio gratuito

  • Piacevole vista da ogni camera

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Posizione dell'hotel

Mercure Gold Coast Resort

Palm Meadows Drive, CARRARA

Coordinate GPS:-28.029533, 153.377278

Accesso e trasporti

Servizi alberghieri

Check-in dalle - Check-out fino alle

In sede
  • Piscina
  • Parcheggio
  • Gli animali sono i benvenuti
  • Ristorante
  • Accessibile con sedia a rotelle
  • Centro fitness
  • Wifi
  • Aria condizionata
  • Colazione
  • Bar
  • Sale riunioni
  • Proprietà 100% non fumatori
Vicino alla proprietà
  • Parcheggio

Le recensioni dei nostri clienti

Le recensioni dei nostri clienti

Recensioni certificate al 100% lasciate da ospiti che hanno realmente soggiornato presso le nostre strutture

Per saperne di più

Valutazione ALL  4.3/5  4.188 recensioni

Giudizio TripAdvisor  4.0/5  1.741 recensioni

Certificato d'eccellenza 2024

Really good but needs attention in a few areas

Punteggio Tripadvisor 4.0/5

JeffS758 Per affari - Recensione certificata TripAdvisor

Obviously a big golf resort, but I went there for a corporate event. Check in was amazingly fast and smooth and the foyer looked fantastic with a massive staircase. The room was ok but that was all. Aircon wouldn’t heat up not matter how hard I tried to make it work. Some of the furniture is very tired, as were the bathroom tiles and the carpets. The sheets seemed too short and kept creeping up over the end of the bed. You can order food from your room but then have to go collect it. The restaurant was nice although we were asked to wait 45mins for a table when it was half empty. Maybe short on chefs? The bar staff were wonderful but there simply was not enough of them. The bar was often 4 people deep with 1 person serving. This guy worked his butt off but simply couldn’t keep up. Both nights at 8.45 they’d call last drinks even though the bar was crowded. It’s not like you can walk to another bar so we all found this very annoying. The function venue space was perfect and we all enjoyed ourselves over the 2 days. I think if you used the golf course and pool area it’d be a great place to stay.


Punteggio Tripadvisor 3.0/5

alpakhan Recensione certificata TripAdvisor

<良かった所> ・夜はジムが空いている 5日間の滞在中、数回夕方に利用しましたが、多くても2〜3人しか利用していませんでした。 ・地下駐車場完備 9号棟の地下に出入り口があり、駐車台数にも余裕があります。 ・屋外プールが素敵 Oasis Poolは大きく、深い所は150cmほどあります。温かいジャグジーもあり、座る場所もたくさんあるので天気が良ければおすすめです。 ・Kids Hubという子供スペースがある レセプションの隣に独立したスペースがあり、Xboxがプレイできたり(受付でコントローラーを借りて設定をお願いする必要がある)、レトロゲーム が置いてある。 <悪かった所> ・フロントで待たされることが多い 常時二人ほどしかおらず、一人が電話対応をしているともう一人が全てのゲストの対応をしなければならず、混雑していました。ランドリーマシーンを使うため、硬貨への両替や洗剤を買いに行った際、電話対応中の人しかそれらの対応はできないと言われ、15分以上待ちましたが、団体客のチェックインで行列ができ始めたので諦めて部屋へ帰りました。 ・全体的に設備が不十分 1階のツインルームに宿泊しましたが、部屋に備え付けのアメニティやカトラリー類は必要最低限でした。 三人宿泊でショートグラスが2つ、ティースプーン2本とマグカップ、ワイングラスしか無いのはとても不便でした。せめてフォークやナイフ、お皿が何枚かは必要です。 フェイスタオル(中サイズ)も1枚しか用意されていませんでした。 また、部屋の中に座るスペースがアームチェア一つしか無く、ウェブサイトの写真にあるようなオットマンやフロアランプ、デスクランプもありませんでした。 ジムの受付に人がいたのを見たことが無く、ロッカーの鍵はおろかタオルすら無かったので、着替え室のシャワーなどは使えませんでした。 ・設備の古さ バスタブのコーキングが古くなり隙間だらけになっています。また、ベッドもコイルタイプのマットレスのサポートが弱くなり、沈み込みが激しすぎるので、そろそろマットレスの交換も必要だと感じました。 オアシスプールのプールサイドのタイルが割れている箇所がいくつかあり、裸足で歩いて痛みを感じることがありました。 最後に、プライバシーが気になる方は1階では無く2階以上への宿泊を強くお勧めします。建物の構造上、部屋の裏にゴルフコースや通路がある場合が多く、バルコニーに座っていると歩行者やカートに乗ったゴルファーが頻繁に行き来するのを目にします。

Lack of staff training

Punteggio Tripadvisor 3.0/5

lost_nomads In coppia - Recensione certificata TripAdvisor

Got a decent rate via Accor for a 3 night stay. Check in was friendly and explained the hotel options well. Had a golf view hotel room on the second floor of a walk up building. The room had seen recent renovation of soft furnishings and beds, however the fridge froze everything in it and the bathroom is dated. We put our sign up for no housekeeping before the requested time and left it there for our entire stay. The $10 per day never came off our bill. Prices in the restaurant are higher than at the beach & a small menu. We dined in one night and had booked a table 45 mins before arriving but weren’t warned until we got there that it was a 30 min wait for food. The staff were most unprofessional ignoring our attempts for attention to order or get a drink ( which we ended up having to go to the bar ourselves) The wait was actually an hour which is ridiculous, and no offer of a bread roll or something to tide us over. The food was nice when it arrived but it didn’t make up for the pure lack of hospitality.

Not sure this time.

Punteggio Tripadvisor 3.0/5

robbo011 In coppia - Recensione certificata TripAdvisor

Well, stayed 2 years ago and not much has changed. The sunset deck should need a serious upgrade. I think they should have a vocal singer or some kind of entertainment to get guests out of their room for a cold brew and mingle with other guests, because unfortunately this hotel is absolutely dead at night time!! Main pool is good, but if you’re going to have an outdoor bar, just maybe you should open it up for your guests to enjoy!! The food for lunch and dinner is a lot over priced. 3 little small meals for dinner just cost me $77.00!!! Not good if you want people to come down for a snack and a drink!!! The rooms are nice and clean and the staff are very efficient in their jobs. Well done! Big problem for those who have difficulty in walking upstairs, there’s no elevators in some of the sections of units!! Can I go on, probably, but you will judge this place on your arrival if you choose visit! Good luck.

Giudizio clienti 1.0/5

Anonimo Coppie - Avvisi confermati di ALL

Hotel è bello e in un ottima posizione, peccato che qualcuno è entrato nella nostra stanza alle 2 del mattino e ci ha rovinato la vacanza… il management non ci ha saputo spiegare come questa persona aveva accesso alla nostra camera e di notte… risultato abbiamo deciso di interrompere la vacanza e chiedere il rimborso.

Grazie del tempo dedicato a condividere le sue impressioni! Mi dispiace molto per la sua esperienza, ma è grazie a commenti come i suoi che possiamo capire come ed in cosa migliorare. Lavoriamo intensamente per garantire la miglior esperienza possibile ai nostri ospiti, ma evidentemente questa volta le cose non sono andate per il verso giusto. Se ci darà la possibilità di riguadagnarci la sua fiducia, le garantisco che faremo del nostro meglio per offrirle la qualità ed il servizio già apprezzati da tanti dei nostri ospiti. Cordiali saluti, Ben Carroll Front Office Manager

In collaborazione con TripAdvisor

Altri utenti web che hanno valutato il nostro hotel

  • 757 recensioni 8.3/10 Posizione
  • 2.282 recensioni 6.8/10 Camera
  • 2.135 recensioni 8.5/10 Servizio
  • 47 recensioni 5.4/10 Internet
  • 1.013 recensioni 7.5/10 Comfort
  • 971 recensioni 5.6/10 Pulizia
  • 962 recensioni 7/10 Cibo
  • 593 recensioni 7.9/10 Colazione

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