24-Hour Traveller Guide To Nami Island

Traveller Guide, Nami Island, Tips, Korea, Autumn, Fall, Petit Prince

Whether you have a trip to Seoul planned or you are planning a Korean road trip, Nami Island is a destination you should have on your itinerary. We recommend you to stay overnight at Novotel Ambassador Suwon, so you can get an early start and enjoy the pristine landscapes before the rush of tourists do. With the seasonal changes creeping up, the autumn wonderland that is Nami Island will surely leave you breathless. There are a variety of cultural, natural and leisure activities around the island to ensure you have an enriching and fun day.

12:00 am: Check into Novotel Ambassador Suwon Hotel

Get ready for your much-needed rest at the Novotel Ambassador Suwon in preparation for a big day tomorrow. The soft, fluffy beds will ensure you get the luxurious sleep you need. 

7:00 am: Energize Your Morning With A Nature Walk

Start your morning walk on the Central Korean Pine Tree Lane, which brings you from one end of the island to the other. An earlier start is ideal to ensure you get the best of the morning light shining through the trees. At the end of the Pine Tree Lane, take the Ginkgo Tree Lane and then the Metasequoia Lane, which are all connected. Relax and get lost staring at the tall trees surrounding you. The vibrant orange, red and yellow tones are calming for the soul and satisfying for the eye. Don’t forget your camera on this nature walk, as you will get to capture some incredible photos of the picturesque nature on this island. If you are lucky, you may also encounter an ostrich as there are many that roam free on this pristine island.

10:00 am: Live Your Korean Drama Fantasy At Gongsaengwon Garden

The Gongsaengwon Garden holds the renowned statue of the main characters from the Korean hit drama series, Winter Sonata. If you are one of the many fans of the 2002 television drama starring actor Bae Yong-joon and actress Choi Ji-woo, you will not want to miss this spot. The garden has a selection of picture perfect spots, including the statue for a perfect souvenir from Nami Island. Strolling along the beautiful tree-lined walkways, it’s not hard to pretend you are the protagonist in a Korean drama.

12:00 am: Try the Famous Korean Fried Pancake

After all that walking, you will not want to miss out on the Korean fried pancake also known as Hotteok, a dessert snack enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. The pancake is filled with soft red bean paste, which pairs perfectly to the crunchy and toasty outer layer.

2:00 pm: Get Lost In The Dreamy Petit France

Petit France is a little village that is built in line with the architecture of a historical French town. Take a walk through the colourful buildings and let the ambiance momentarily transport you to an entirely different continent. When visiting Petit France, stop by the amphitheatre for a cultural puppet, musical or mime performance. This mesmerising spot is conveniently located just 25 minutes away from Nami Island and you can book your ride easily with the local bus tour providers.

5:00 pm: Savour The Breathtaking Views At The Gangchon Rail Park

Take a cab from Petit France and head over to Gangchon Rail Park, where you will be able to travel on 70-year-old train tracks on rail bikes. The bike ride takes about an hour and you have to pedal yourselves, so prepare by wearing comfortable shoes. The breathtaking views of the Bukhangang River and the dreamy forest tracks will make the journey absolutely worthwhile.

8:00 pm: Relax Over Dinner and Drinks at the Food Exchange at Novotel Ambassador Seoul Yongsan

You must be exhausted after this fun and fulfilling day of visiting Nami Island and its surroundings. A well-deserved dinner is waiting for you at the Food Exchange at Novotel Ambassador Seoul Yongsan, an all-day buffet restaurant inspired by lively food markets around the world. The restaurant has a fine selection of hearty dishes that will leave your soul satisfied and mouth watering. Finish the meal off with a few drinks while watching the spectacular night views, the perfect way to wind down after the long day.

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