Information about combined offers and related travel services

Directive (EU) 2015/2302 on package travel and linked travel arrangements defines the rights of travellers when booking combined travel services such as accommodation, transport, car rental and other tourist services (visits, excursions, experiences, etc.).
When Accor, hotels or partners provide travel packages (also called ‘combined offers’) or linked travel arrangements (also called ‘partner offers’), you will be informed of your rights in the special conditions applicable to each offer prior to booking. 
Please see below the listed texts grouped together regarding your rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2032, as transposed into national law:


Туристически пакетни оферти - Основни права съгласно Директива (ЕС) 2015/2302: 
Пътуващите ще получат цялата основна информация за туристическия пакет преди сключването на договора за туристически пакет. 
Винаги има поне един търговец, който отговаря за точното изпълнение на всички туристически услуги, включени в договора. 
На пътуващите се предоставя телефонен номер за спешни повиквания или данни на звено за контакт, чрез което могат да се свържат с туроператора или с туристическия агент. Този номер се появява в информационния лист за хотела. 
Пътуващите могат да прехвърлят туристическия пакет на друго лице след предизвестие в разумен срок и евентуално заплащане на допълнителните разходи. 
Цената на туристическия пакет може да се увеличава единствено при нарастване на специфични разходи (например цените на горивото), ако това е изрично предвидено в договора, и във всеки случай не по-късно от 20 дни преди започване на изпълнението на туристическия пакет. Когато увеличението на цената надвишава 8 на сто от цената на туристическия пакет, пътуващият може да прекрати договора. Когато туроператорът си запази правото да увеличава цената, пътуващият има право на намаление на цената, ако има намаление на съответните разходи. 
Пътуващите могат да прекратят договора, без да заплащат такса за прекратяване на договора, и да получат пълно възстановяване на всички плащания при съществена промяна на някой от основните елементи на туристическия пакет, различен от цената. Когато преди започване на изпълнението на туристическия пакет отговорният за туристическия пакет търговец анулира туристическия пакет, пътуващите имат право да получат обратно платените от тяхно име суми и ако е подходящо - съответното обезщетение. 
Преди започване на изпълнението на туристическия пакет пътуващите могат да прекратят договора, без да плащат такса за прекратяване на договора, при настъпване на извънредни обстоятелства, като например сериозни проблеми със сигурността на мястото на дестинацията, които биха могли да засегнат туристическия пакет. 
Пътуващите могат по всяко време преди започване на изпълнението на туристическия пакет да прекратят договора срещу подходяща и обоснована такса за прекратяване на договора. 
Когато след започване на изпълнението на туристическия пакет съществени елементи от него не могат да бъдат предоставени съгласно договореното, на пътуващия трябва да бъдат предложени подходящи алтернативни услуги без допълнителни разходи. Пътуващите могат да прекратят договора, без да заплащат такса за прекратяването му, когато услугите не са предоставени в съответствие с договора и това съществено засяга изпълнението на туристическия пакет, а туроператорът не е отстранил проблема. 
Пътуващите имат право също и на намаление на цената и/или на обезщетение за претърпените вреди, в случай че туристическите услуги не са предоставени или са предоставени лошо. 
Туроператорът трябва да окаже съдействие, ако пътуващият изпадне в затруднение. 
Когато туроператорът изпадне в несъстоятелност, направените плащания ще бъдат възстановени. Когато туроператорът или туристическият агент изпадне в несъстоятелност след започване на изпълнението на туристическия пакет и в него е включен превоз, репатрирането на пътниците е осигурено.  
Хотелът се ползва със защита при несъстоятелност в застрахователно дружество, чиито детайли за контакт са посочени в информационния лист за хотела. 
Пътуващите могат да се обърнат към застрахователното дружество, ако изпълнението на услугите е отказано поради несъстоятелността на хотела. 
Директива (ЕС) 2015/2302, както е транспонирана в националното право: 
Оферти от други търговци - Основни права съгласно Директива (ЕС) 2015/2302: 
Когато резервирате допълнителни туристически услуги за вашето пътуване или ваканция чрез линкове на други търговци в потвърждението за резервация, НЯМА да се ползвате от правата, които се прилагат за туристически пакети съгласно Директива (ЕС) 2015/2302. 
Следователно Accor няма да носи отговорност за точното изпълнение на допълнителни туристически услуги. При проблеми се обърнете към съответния доставчик на услугата. 
Когато обаче резервирате допълнителни туристически услуги чрез линкове на други търговци не по-късно от 24 часа след получаването на потвърждението за резервацията от Accor, посочените туристически услуги ще станат част от свързана туристическа услуга. В този случай Accor разполага в съответствие с изискванията на правото на ЕС с осигурена защита за възстановяване на Вашите плащания за услуги, които не са изпълнени поради неплатежоспособността на Accor.  Моля обърнете внимание, че това не осигурява възстановяване на плащания в случай на несъстоятелност на съответния доставчик на услугата. Моля обърнете внимание, че в случаите, когато плащането Ви е изпратено директно към съответния доставчик на туристическа услуга, Accor не носи отговорност за възстановяване извършеното плащане в случай на неплатежоспособност на доставчика на услугата. 
Accor се ползва със защита при несъстоятелност при застрахователя WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. 
Пътуващите могат да се обърнат към това дружество по следния начин: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Адрес на електронна поща: 
Телефон: +350 200 43882 
Забележка. Тази защита при несъстоятелност не обхваща договори с лица, различни от Accor, които могат да се изпълняват въпреки несъстоятелността на Accor. 
Директива (ЕС) 2015/2302, както е транспонирана в националното право: 


Paket-aranžmani - Ključna prava sukladno Direktivi (EU) 2015/2302: 
Putnici će dobiti sve bitne informacije o paket-aranžmanu prije sklapanja ugovora o putovanju u paket-aranžmanu.  
Uvijek postoji barem jedan trgovac koji je odgovoran za pravilno izvršenje svih usluga putovanja obuhvaćenih ugovorom.  
Putnici dobivaju telefonski broj za hitne slučajeve ili podatke o kontaktnoj točki putem koje mogu stupiti u kontakt s organizatorom ili turističkom agencijom. Ovaj broj možete pronaći na informacijskom listu hotela. 
Putnici mogu prenijeti paket-aranžman na drugu osobu uz obavijest o tome u razumnom roku i moguće plaćanje dodatnih troškova.  
Cijena paket-aranžmana može se povećati samo ako se povećaju specifični troškovi (primjerice, cijena goriva) i ako je to izričito predviđeno u ugovoru, a u svakom slučaju najkasnije 20 dana prije početka paket-aranžmana. Ako povećanje cijene premašuje 8 % cijene paket-aranžmana, putnik može raskinuti ugovor. Ako organizator pridrži pravo na povećanje cijene, putnik ima pravo na sniženje cijene ako dođe do sniženja relevantnih troškova. 
Putnici mogu raskinuti ugovor bez plaćanja bilo kakve naknade za raskid ugovora i dobiti puni povrat svih plaćanja ako se znatno izmijeni bilo koji od bitnih elemenata paket-aranžmana osim cijene. Ako prije početka paket-aranžmana trgovac odgovoran za paket-aranžman otkaže paket-aranžman, putnici imaju pravo na povrat i, prema potrebi, odštetu. 
Putnici mogu raskinuti ugovor bez plaćanja bilo kakve naknade za raskid ugovora prije početka paket-aranžmana u slučaju izvanrednih okolnosti, primjerice ako na odredištu postoje ozbiljni sigurnosni problemi koji bi mogli utjecati na paket-aranžman. 
Osim toga, putnici u bilo kojem trenutku prije početka paket-aranžmana mogu raskinuti ugovor uz plaćanje primjerene naknade za raskid ugovora koja se može opravdati.  
Ako nakon početka paket-aranžmana značajne elemente paket-aranžmana nije moguće pružiti kako je dogovoreno, morat će biti ponuđeni alternativni aranžmani bez dodatnih troškova. Ako usluge nisu pružene u skladu s ugovorom i to znatno utječe na izvršenje paket-aranžmana, a organizator ne ispravi nesukladnost, putnici mogu raskinuti ugovor o putovanju u paket-aranžmanu bez plaćanja naknade za raskid.  
Putnici imaju pravo na sniženje cijene i/ili naknadu štete ako usluge putovanja ne budu izvršene ili ako budu izvršene na nepravilan način.  
Ako se putnik nađe u poteškoćama, organizator mu mora pružiti pomoć.  
Ako organizator, ili u pojedinim državama članicama prodavatelj, postane nesolventan, osigurava se povrat plaćanja. Ako organizator ili, prema potrebi, prodavatelj postane nesolventan nakon početka paket-aranžmana i ako je prijevoz uključen u paket-aranžman, osigurana je repatrijacija putnika.  
Hotel je ugovorio zaštitu u slučaju nesolventnosti kod osiguravatelja čiji se kontakt podaci nalaze na informacijskom listu hotela, a koji je subjekt koji pruža zaštitu u slučaju nesolventnosti. 
Putnici mogu stupiti u kontakt s navedenim subjektom ili, prema potrebi, s nadležnim tijelom vlasti (Ministarstvo turizma i sporta, Prisavlje 14, 10000 Zagreb,, 016169243) ako su usluge uskraćene zbog nesolventnosti Hotela.  
Poveznica na Direktivu (EU) 2015/2302 nalazi se ovdje i na Zakon o pružanju usluga u turizmu nalazi se ovdje. 
Povezani putni aranžmani - Ključna prava sukladno Direktivi (EU) 2015/2302: 
Ako nakon odabira i plaćanja za jednu uslugu putovanja rezervirate dodatne usluge putovanja za svoje putovanje ili odmor putem partnerskih poveznica koje se nalaze na potvrdi rezervacije, NEĆETE ostvariti prava koja se primjenjuju na paket-aranžmane u skladu s Direktivom (EU) 2015/2302 i dijelom trećim Zakona o pružanju usluga u turizmu.  
Accor neće biti odgovoran za pravilno izvršenje pojedinačnih usluga putovanja. Molimo Vas da u slučaju problema stupite u kontakt s relevantnim pružateljem usluga.  
Međutim, ako rezervirate bilo koje dodatne usluge putovanja tijekom istog posjeta mrežnim stranicama za rezervacije Accor, odnosno, najkasnije u roku od 24 sata nakon zaprimanje Accorove potvrde rezervacije, te usluge putovanja postat će dio povezanog putnog aranžmana. Za taj slučaj Accor, sukladno Zakonu o pružanju usluga u turizmu, ima osiguranu jamčevinu za povrat putnikovih plaćanja izvršenih Accoru za usluge koje nisu izvršene zbog nesolventnosti Accora te, prema potrebi, za putnikovu repatrijaciju. Molimo Vas da uzmete u obzir da se time ne osigurava povrat u slučaju nesolventnosti relevantnog pružatelja usluga.  
U vezi zahtjeva za povrat u slučaju insolventnosti možete kontaktirati: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Također, možete kontaktirati nadležno tijelo vlasti, odnosno, 
Ministarstvo turizma i sporta,  
Prisavlje 14,  
10000 Zagreb,  
Tel: 016169243 
Napomena: ovom zaštitom u slučaju nesolventnosti nisu obuhvaćeni ugovori sa strankama koje nisu Accor, koje je moguće izvršiti usprkos Accorovoj nesolventnosti. 
Poveznica na Direktivu (EU) 2015/2302 nalazi se ovdje, a poveznica na Zakon o pružanju usluga u turizmu se nalazi ovdje. 


Package offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. 
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction or compensation for damages or both where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured.  
The hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the insurer whose contact details appear on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity if services are denied to them due to the hotel’s insolvency. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: 
Partner Offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302:  
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the directive (UE) 2015/2302.  
Therefore, Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of booking with Accor, these travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by the directive (UE) 2015/2302, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not fully performed because of Accor’s insolvency. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider. 
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. if the services are denied because of Accor’s insolvency. 
Travellers may contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than Accor, which can be performed despite the insolvency of Accor. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: 

Czech Republic

Zájezd - Základní práva zákazníka podle zákona č. 159/1999 Sb., ve znění pozdějších předpisů, a zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů:  
Před uzavřením smlouvy o zájezdu obdrží zákazník všechny nezbytné informace o zájezdu podle § 9a zákona č. 159/1999 Sb., o některých podmínkách podnikání a o výkonu některých činností v oblasti cestovního ruchu, ve znění pozdějších předpisů, tj. např. místo určení cesty nebo pobytu, dopravní prostředky, ubytování, stravování a další.  
Cestovní kancelář (pořadatel) odpovídá zákazníkovi za řádné poskytnutí všech cestovních služeb zahrnutých ve smlouvě o zájezdu. 
Zákazník obdrží telefonní číslo pro naléhavé případy nebo údaje o kontaktním místu, kde se může spojit s cestovní kanceláří (pořadatelem) nebo cestovní agenturou, která zprostředkovala prodej zájezdu. Toto číslo je k dispozici na informačním listu hotelu. 
Zákazník může s přiměřeným předstihem a případně po uhrazení dodatečných nákladů postoupit smlouvu o zájezdu na jinou osobu.  
Cenu zájezdu lze zvýšit jen v případě konkrétního zvýšení nákladů (například cen pohonných hmot) a pokud je to výslovně stanoveno ve smlouvě o zájezdu, a to nejpozději 20 dní před zahájením zájezdu. Překročí-li cenové zvýšení 8 % ceny zájezdu, může zákazník od smlouvy odstoupit. Vyhradí-li si cestovní kancelář (pořadatel) právo na zvýšení ceny zájezdu, má zákazník v případě snížení příslušných nákladů právo na slevu z ceny zájezdu. 
Zákazník může od smlouvy odstoupit bez zaplacení odstupného (storno poplatku) a získat zpět veškeré platby, pokud došlo k výrazné změně jakéhokoli zásadního prvku zájezdu, s výjimkou ceny. Pokud cestovní kancelář (pořadatel) před zahájením poskytování zájezdu tento zájezd zruší, má zákazník právo na vrácení ceny zájezdu a případně na náhradu škody. 
Zákazník může od smlouvy odstoupit bez zaplacení odstupného (storno poplatku) před zahájením zájezdu, jestliže v místě určení cesty nebo pobytu nebo jeho bezprostředním okolí nastaly nevyhnutelné a mimořádné okolnosti, které mají významný dopad na poskytování zájezdu nebo na přepravu osob do místa určení cesty nebo pobytu (například vyskytnou-li se v místě určení cesty nebo pobytu závažné bezpečnostní problémy, které by mohly zájezd ovlivnit).  
Zákazník může před zahájením poskytování zájezdu od smlouvy odstoupit, pokud zaplatí přiměřené a zdůvodnitelné odstupné (storno poplatek).  
Pokud nelze po zahájení poskytování zájezdu poskytnout jeho podstatné prvky v souladu se smlouvou, musí být zákazníkovi nabídnuto vhodné náhradní řešení bez dalších nákladů. Zákazník může od smlouvy odstoupit bez zaplacení odstupného (storno poplatku), pokud nejsou služby poskytovány v souladu se smlouvou, přičemž tato skutečnost podstatně ovlivňuje plnění služeb zahrnutých do zájezdu a cestovní kancelář (pořadatel) neposkytla vhodné náhradní řešení. 
V případě neposkytnutí nebo nesprávného poskytnutí služeb cestovního ruchu zahrnutých do zájezdu má zákazník právo na slevu z ceny zájezdu, náhradu škody nebo obojí.  
Cestovní kancelář (pořadatel) má povinnost poskytnout pomoc, pokud se zákazník ocitne v nesnázích. 
Ocitne-li se cestovní kancelář (pořadatel) v úpadku, bude zákazníkovi vrácena zaplacená záloha nebo cena zájezdu včetně ceny zaplacené za poukaz na zájezd v případě neuskutečnění zájezdu, nebo rozdíl mezi zaplacenou cenou zájezdu a cenou částečně poskytnutého zájezdu v případě, že k úpadku došlo po zahájení poskytování zájezdu. Ocitne-li se cestovní kancelář (pořadatel) v úpadku po zahájení poskytování zájezdu a je-li součástí zájezdu doprava, bude zajištěna repatriace zákazníka.  
Hotel (ACCOR S.A., sídlem 82 Rue Henri Farman, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, Francie, reg.č.:  602 036 444) si zajistil ochranu pro případ úpadku (pojištění záruky nebo bankovní záruka) u pojistitele, jehož identifikační a kontaktní údaje jsou uvedeny v rámci informačním listu hotelu. Na tento subjekt se zákazník může obrátit v případě, že mu byly služby odepřeny z důvodu úpadku Hotelu. 
Directive (EU) 2015/2302 as transposed into national law:  
Spojené cestovní služby - Základní práva zákazníka podle zákona č. 159/1999 Sb., ve znění pozdějších předpisů, a zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanský zákoník, ve znění pozdějších předpisů: 
Při rezervaci dalších cestovních služeb pro Vaši cestu nebo pobyt prostřednictvím partnerských odkazů obsažených na potvrzení rezervace se na Vás NEBUDOU vztahovat práva přiznávaná zákazníkům, kteří si sjednali zájezd podle zákona č. 159/1999 Sb., o některých podmínkách podnikání a o výkonu některých činností v oblasti cestovního ruchu, ve znění pozdějších předpisů, který provádí směrnici (EU) 2015/2302. 
ACCOR S.A., sídlem 82 Rue Henri Farman, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, Francie, reg.č.:  602 036 444 (dále jen „Accor“) proto neponese odpovědnost za řádné poskytnutí těchto dalších služeb cestovního ruchu. V případě problémů se obraťte na příslušného poskytovatele služby.  
Pokud si však rezervujete další služby cestovního ruchu prostřednictvím těchto odkazů do 24 hodin po obdržení potvrzení rezervace od Accor, uvedené služby cestovního ruchu se stanou součástí spojených cestovních služeb. V takovém případě má Accor, jak vyžaduje právo Evropské unie, zajištěnou ochranu za účelem vrácení ceny, kterou jste zaplatil(a) Accor za služby, které nebyly poskytnuty z důvodu jeho úpadku. Upozorňujeme, že z výše uvedeného nevyplývá právo na vrácení ceny za službu poskytovanou jiným poskytovatelem, v případě jeho úpadku. 
Accor si zajistil ochranu pro případ úpadku u WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. 
Na tento subjekt:  
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited  
Vision Exchange Building  
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District  
Birkirkara CBD1070  
Tel: +350 200 43882 
se zákazník může obrátit v případě, že byly služby cestovního ruchu odepřeny z důvodu úpadku Accor. 
Poznámka: Tato ochrana pro případ úpadku nezahrnuje smlouvy s jinými stranami než s Accor, které mohou být plněny navzdory úpadku Accor. 
Directive (EU) 2015/2302 as transposed into national law: 


Package offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. 
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction or compensation for damages or both where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured.  
The hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the insurer whose contact details appear on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity if services are denied to them due to the hotel’s insolvency. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 
Partner Offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302:  
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the directive (UE) 2015/2302.  
Therefore, Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of booking with Accor, these travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by the directive (UE) 2015/2302, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not fully performed because of Accor’s insolvency. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider. 
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. if the services are denied because of Accor’s insolvency. 
Travellers may contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than Accor, which can be performed despite the insolvency of Accor. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 


Package offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. 
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction or compensation for damages or both where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured.  
The hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the insurer whose contact details appear on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity if services are denied to them due to the hotel’s insolvency. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 
Partner Offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302:  
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the directive (UE) 2015/2302.  
Therefore, Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of booking with Accor, these travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by the directive (UE) 2015/2302, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not fully performed because of Accor’s insolvency. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider. 
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. if the services are denied because of Accor’s insolvency. 
Travellers may contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than Accor, which can be performed despite the insolvency of Accor. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 


Package offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. 
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction or compensation for damages or both where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured.  
The hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the insurer whose contact details appear on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity if services are denied to them due to the hotel’s insolvency. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 
Partner Offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302:  
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the directive (UE) 2015/2302.  
Therefore, Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of booking with Accor, these travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by the directive (UE) 2015/2302, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not fully performed because of Accor’s insolvency. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider. 
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. if the services are denied because of Accor’s insolvency. 
Travellers may contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than Accor, which can be performed despite the insolvency of Accor. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 


Συμβάσεις οργανωμένου ταξιδιού - Βασικά δικαιώματα βάσει της οδηγίας (ΕΕ) 2015/2302: 
Οι ταξιδιώτες θα λαμβάνουν όλες τις βασικές πληροφορίες σχετικά με το πακέτο πριν τη σύναψη της σύμβασης οργανωμένου ταξιδιού.  
Υπάρχει πάντοτε τουλάχιστον ένας έμπορος υπεύθυνος για την ορθή εκτέλεση του συνόλου των ταξιδιωτικών υπηρεσιών που περιλαμβάνονται στη σύμβαση.  
Δίδεται στους ταξιδιώτες αριθμός τηλεφώνου επείγουσας ανάγκης ή στοιχεία για σημείο επαφής όπου μπορούν να έλθουν σε επαφή με τον διοργανωτή ή τον ταξιδιωτικό πράκτορα. Αυτός ο αριθμός τηλεφώνου είναι διαθέσιμος στην ιστοσελίδα του ξενοδοχείου. 
Οι ταξιδιώτες μπορούν να εκχωρήσουν το πακέτο σε άλλο πρόσωπο, κατόπιν εύλογης προειδοποίησης και ενδεχομένως έναντι επιπλέον χρέωσης.  
Η τιμή του πακέτου μπορεί να αυξηθεί μόνο εάν αυξηθεί το κόστος (για παράδειγμα, οι τιμές των καυσίμων) και εφόσον αυτό προβλέπεται ρητώς στη σύμβαση και εν πάση περιπτώσει όχι αργότερα από 20 ημέρες πριν από την έναρξη του πακέτου. Αν η αύξηση της τιμής υπερβαίνει το 8 % της τιμής του πακέτου, ο ταξιδιώτης δύναται να καταγγείλει τη σύμβαση. Αν ο διοργανωτής διατηρεί το δικαίωμα αύξησης της τιμής, ο ταξιδιώτης έχει δικαίωμα μείωσης της τιμής αν μειωθούν τα αντίστοιχα κόστη. 
Οι ταξιδιώτες μπορούν να καταγγείλουν τη σύμβαση χωρίς χρέωση καταγγελίας και να τους επιστραφεί το σύνολο των ποσών που έχουν καταβάλει, αν τροποποιηθεί σημαντικά οποιοδήποτε από τα ουσιώδη στοιχεία του πακέτου, εκτός από την τιμή. Εάν, πριν από την έναρξη του πακέτου, ο έμπορος που είναι υπεύθυνος για το πακέτο ματαιώσει το πακέτο, οι ταξιδιώτες δικαιούνται επιστροφή των χρημάτων και αποζημίωση κατά περίπτωση.  
Οι ταξιδιώτες μπορούν να καταγγείλουν τη σύμβαση χωρίς χρέωση καταγγελίας πριν από την έναρξη του πακέτου σε εξαιρετικές περιστάσεις, για παράδειγμα αν υπάρχουν σοβαρά προβλήματα ασφάλειας στον προορισμό τα οποία είναι πιθανόν να επηρεάσουν το πακέτο.  
Επιπροσθέτως, οι ταξιδιώτες δύνανται οποιαδήποτε στιγμή πριν από την έναρξη του πακέτου να καταγγείλουν τη σύμβαση έναντι εύλογης και δικαιολογήσιμης χρέωσης καταγγελίας.  
Εάν, μετά την έναρξη του πακέτου, σημαντικά τμήματα του πακέτου δεν μπορούν να παρασχεθούν όπως έχει συμφωνηθεί, θα πρέπει να προσφερθούν στον ταξιδιώτη οι κατάλληλοι εναλλακτικοί διακανονισμοί, χωρίς περαιτέρω κόστος. Οι ταξιδιώτες δύνανται να καταγγείλουν τη σύμβαση χωρίς την καταβολή οιασδήποτε χρέωσης, σε περίπτωση μη εκτέλεσης των υπηρεσιών σύμφωνα με τη σύμβαση και εάν αυτό επηρεάζει ουσιαστικά την εκτέλεση του πακέτου και ο διοργανωτής δεν επιλύει το πρόβλημα. 
Οι ταξιδιώτες έχουν επίσης δικαίωμα σε μείωση της τιμής και/ή αποζημίωσης για ζημίες σε περίπτωση μη εκτέλεσης ή ελλιπούς εκτέλεσης των ταξιδιωτικών υπηρεσιών.  
Ο διοργανωτής πρέπει να παρέχει βοήθεια αν ο ταξιδιώτης αντιμετωπίζει προβλήματα.  
Σε περίπτωση που ο διοργανωτής ή, σε ορισμένα κράτη μέλη, ο πωλητής καθίστανται αφερέγγυοι, επιστρέφονται τα καταβληθέντα ποσά. Σε περίπτωση που ο διοργανωτής ή, κατά περίπτωση, ο πωλητής καθίστανται αφερέγγυοι μετά την έναρξη του πακέτου και αν η μεταφορά περιλαμβάνεται στο πακέτο, διασφαλίζεται ο επαναπατρισμός των ταξιδιωτών. To ξενοδοχείο έχει συνάψει σύμβαση προστασίας κατά της αφερεγγυότητας με την ασφαλιστική εταιρία, της οποίας τα στοιχεία αναγράφονται στην ιστοσελίδα του ξενοδοχείου. Οι ταξιδιώτες μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν με την εν λόγω εταιρία αν δεν τους παρέχονται υπηρεσίες εξαιτίας αφερεγγυότητας του ξενοδοχείου. 
Οδηγία (ΕΕ) 2015/2302 όπως έχει μεταφερθεί στο εθνικό δίκαιο : 
Προσφορες συνεργατων - Βασικά δικαιώματα βάσει της Οδηγίας (ΕΕ) 2015/2302: 
Εάν κάνετε κράτηση για πρόσθετες ταξιδιωτικές υπηρεσίες για το ταξίδι ή τις διακοπές σας μέσω αυτού του συνδέσμου/αυτών των συνδέσμων, ΔΕΝ απολαύετε των δικαιωμάτων που προβλέπονται για τα πακέτα σύμφωνα με την οδηγία (ΕΕ) 2015/2302.  
Συνεπώς, η Accor δεν θα είναι υπεύθυνη για την ορθή εκτέλεση αυτών των πρόσθετων ταξιδιωτικών υπηρεσιών. Σε περίπτωση προβλήματος, μπορείτε να απευθυνθείτε στον σχετικό πάροχο υπηρεσιών. Ωστόσο, εάν έχετε κάνει κράτηση πρόσθετων ταξιδιωτικών υπηρεσιών μέσω αυτού του συνδέσμου/αυτών των συνδέσμων όχι αργότερα από 24 ώρες από την παραλαβή της επιβεβαίωσης της κράτησης από την Accor, οι εν λόγω ταξιδιωτικές υπηρεσίες θα αποτελέσουν μέρος ενός συνδεδεμένου ταξιδιωτικού διακανονισμού. Στην περίπτωση αυτή η Accor έχει εξασφαλίσει, όπως απαιτείται από τη νομοθεσία της ΕΕ, προστασία για την επιστροφή των ποσών που καταβάλατε στην Accor για υπηρεσίες που δεν εκτελέστηκαν λόγω αφερεγγυότητας της Accor, και, εφόσον είναι αναγκαίο, για τον επαναπατρισμό σας. Παρακαλείσθε να σημειώσετε ότι με βάση την προστασία αυτή δεν προβλέπεται επιστροφή χρημάτων σε περίπτωση αφερεγγυότητας του σχετικού παρόχου υπηρεσιών 
Η Accor έχει συνάψει σύμβαση προστασίας κατά της αφερεγγυότητας με την WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. Aν δεν παρέχονται οι ταξιδιωτικές υπηρεσίες εξαιτίας αφερεγγυότητας της Accor, oι ταξιδιώτες δύνανται να επικοινωνήσουν με την εταιρεία   
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
 Σημείωση: Αυτή η προστασία έναντι αφερεγγυότητας δεν καλύπτει συμβάσεις με άλλα μέρη πλην της


Utazási csomagok - Az (EU) 2015/2302 irányelvben biztosított legfontosabb jogok: 
Az utazók az utazási csomagra vonatkozó szerződés megkötése előtt megkapnak minden lényeges információt az utazási csomagról. 
Minden esetben meg kell jelölni legalább egy kereskedőt, aki vagy amely felelős a szerződésben foglalt valamennyi utazási szolgáltatás megfelelő teljesítéséért. 
Az utazók számára meg kell adni egy sürgősségi telefonszámot vagy egy kapcsolattartó elérhetőségét, amelyen keresztül kapcsolatba léphetnek az utazásszervezővel vagy az utazási ügynökkel. Ez a szám megjelenik a szálloda adatlapján. 
Az utazók ésszerű időn belül adott előzetes értesítés mellett és esetlegesen a többletköltségek megfizetése ellenében az utazási csomagot átruházhatják egy másik személyre. 
Az utazási csomag ára csak bizonyos költségek (például üzemanyagárak) növekedése miatt és csak akkor emelhető meg, amennyiben erről a szerződés kifejezetten rendelkezik, de minden esetben csak legfeljebb húsz nappal az utazási csomag megkezdése előtt. Ha az áremelkedés mértéke meghaladja az utazási csomag árának 8 %-át, az utazó felmondhatja a szerződést. Ha az utazásszervező fenntartja magának az áremelés jogát, akkor az utazó árengedményre jogosult, amennyiben a vonatkozó költségek csökkennek. 
Az utazók bánatpénz megfizetése nélkül is felmondhatják a szerződést, és ekkor a befizetett teljes összeg visszajár nekik, ha az utazási csomag bármely, az ártól eltérő lényeges eleme lényegesen megváltozott. Ha az utazási csomagért felelős kereskedő még annak megkezdése előtt törli az utazási csomagot, az utazók pénzvisszafizetésre, és adott esetben kártérítésre jogosultak. 
Az utazók kivételes körülmények fennállása eseténígy például ha a célállomáson olyan súlyos biztonsági problémák merültek fel, amelyek valószínűsíthetően befolyásolják az utazási csomagotaz utazási csomag megkezdése előtt bánatpénz megfizetése nélkül is felmondhatják a szerződést. 
Ezenfelül az utazók megfelelő mértékű és indokolt bánatpénz megfizetése ellenében az utazási csomag megkezdése előtt bármikor felmondhatják a szerződést. 
Amennyiben az utazási csomag megkezdése után kiderül, hogy annak lényeges elemei nem teljesíthetők a szerződésben foglaltak szerint, megfelelő alternatív szolgáltatásokat kell felajánlani az utazónak többletköltség felszámítása nélkül. Az utazó bánatpénz megfizetése nélkül felmondhatja a szerződést, amennyiben a szolgáltatások teljesítése nem felel meg a szerződésnek, és ez lényegesen befolyásolja a csomag teljesítését, továbbá az utazásszervező nem orvosolja a problémát. 
Az utazók árengedményre és/vagy kártérítésre is jogosultak abban az esetben, ha az utazási szolgáltatásokat nem vagy nem megfelelően teljesítik. 
Az utazásszervezőnek segítséget kell nyújtania, ha az utazó nehéz helyzetbe kerül. 
Ha az utazásszervező vagynéhány tagállambanaz utazásközvetítő fizetésképtelenné válik, a befizetett pénzösszegeket visszafizetik. Ha az utazásszervező vagyadott esetbenaz utazásközvetítő az utazási csomag megkezdése után válik fizetésképtelenné, és az utazók szállítása a csomag részét képezi, gondoskodnak az utazók hazaszállításáról. A Hotel gondoskodott a fizetésképtelenséggel szembeni védelemről azon biztosítótársaság révén, akinek adatai megjelennek a feltüntetett szálloda adatlapján. Az utazók ezzel a szervezettel vehetik fel a kapcsolatot, ha a szolgáltatások teljesítését a szálloda fizetésképtelensége miatt megtagadják. 
A nemzeti jogba átültetett (EU) 2015/2302 irányelv: 
Partner ajánlatok - Az (EU) 2015/2302 irányelvben biztosított legfontosabb


Package offers - Key rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2302: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency telephone number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or the travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance, fuel prices) and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8 per cent of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. 
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation for damages where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or, in some Member States, the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured. The Hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the Insurer whose contact details appear on the on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity or, where applicable, the competent authority (Commission for Aviation Regulation, 3rd Floor 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773, Phone: +353-(0) 1-6611700, Email: if services are denied because of the Hotel's insolvency. 
Directive (EU) 2015/2302 as transposed into national law: 
Partner Offers - Key rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2302: 
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under Directive (EU) 2015/2302 and S.I. No. 80/2019 - European Union (Package Travel And Linked Travel Arrangements) Regulations 2019. 
Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of these additional travel services. If problems occur, please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links not later than 24 hours after receiving the confirmation of the booking from Accor, those travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by EU law, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not performed because of Accor's insolvency, and, where necessary, for your repatriation. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider.  
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited
Travelers can contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
or, where applicable, the Commission for Aviation Regulation if the services are denied because of Accor's insolvency: 
Commission for Aviation Regulation 
3rd Floor 6 Earlsfort Terrace  
Dublin 2,  
D02 W773  
Phone: +353-(0) 1-6611700 
Note: this insolvency protection does not apply to contracts with parties other than Accor that may be executed despite the insolvency of Accor.  
Directive (EU) 2015/2302 as transposed into national law: 


Package offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. 
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction or compensation for damages or both where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured.  
The hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the insurer whose contact details appear on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity if services are denied to them due to the hotel’s insolvency. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 
Partner Offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302:  
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the directive (UE) 2015/2302.  
Therefore, Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of booking with Accor, these travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by the directive (UE) 2015/2302, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not fully performed because of Accor’s insolvency. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider. 
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. if the services are denied because of Accor’s insolvency. 
Travellers may contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than Accor, which can be performed despite the insolvency of Accor. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 


Package offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. 
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction or compensation for damages or both where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured.  
The hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the insurer whose contact details appear on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity if services are denied to them due to the hotel’s insolvency. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 
Partner Offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302:  
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the directive (UE) 2015/2302.  
Therefore, Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of booking with Accor, these travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by the directive (UE) 2015/2302, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not fully performed because of Accor’s insolvency. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider. 
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. if the services are denied because of Accor’s insolvency. 
Travellers may contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than Accor, which can be performed despite the insolvency of Accor. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 


Pakkett tal-ivvjaġġar - Drittijiet ewlenin skont id-Direttiva (UE) 2015/2302:  
Il-vjaġġaturi se jirċievu l-informazzjoni essenzjali kollha dwar il-pakkett qabel ma jikkonkludu l-kuntratt tal-pakkett tal-ivvjaġġar. 
Dejjem ikun hemm tal-inqas kummerċjant wieħed li jkun responsabbli għall-eżekuzzjoni xierqa tas-servizzi tal-ivvjaġġar kollha inklużi fil-kuntratt. 
Il-vjaġġaturi jingħataw numru tat-telefon ta' emerġenza jew punt ta' kuntatt fejn jistgħu jikkuntattjaw l-organizzatur jew l-aġent tal-ivvjaġġar. Dan in-numru jidher fuq il-fajl tal-lukanda. 
Il-vjaġġaturi jistgħu jittrasferixxu l-pakkett lil persuna oħra, billi ssir notifika fi żmien raġonevoli u possibbilment soġġett għal tariffi addizzjonali. 
Il-prezz tal-pakkett jista' jogħla biss għal raġunijiet speċifiċi (pereżempju, prezzijiet tal-fjuwil) u sakemm ikun espressament provdut fil-kuntratt, u fi kwalunkwe każ mhux aktar tard minn 20 jum qabel il-bidu tal-pakkett. Jekk iż-żieda fil-prezz taqbeż it-8 % tal-prezz tal-pakkett, il-vjaġġatur jista' jittermina l-kuntratt. Jekk l-organizzatur jirriżerva d-dritt ta' żieda fil-prezz, il-vjaġġatur għandu dritt għal tnaqqis fil-prezz jekk ikun hemm roħs tal-ispejjeż rilevanti. 
Il-vjaġġaturi jistgħu jitterminaw il-kuntratt mingħajr ma jħallsu tariffa ta' terminazzjoni u jieħdu lura rifużjoni sħiħa ta' kwalunkwe pagament jekk xi wieħed mill-elementi essenzjali tal-pakkett, apparti l-prezz, ikun inbidel b'mod sinifikanti. Jekk qabel il-bidu tal-pakkett il-kummerċjant responsabbli għall-pakkett jikkanċella l-pakkett, il-vjaġġaturi jkunu intitolati għal rifużjoni u kumpens fejn adatt. 
Il-vjaġġaturi jistgħu jtterminaw il-kuntratt mingħajr ma jħallsu tariffa ta' terminazzjoni qabel jinbeda l-pakkett f'ċirkostanzi eċċezzjonali, pereżempju fejn ikun hemm problemi serji ta' sigurtà fid-destinazzjoni li x'aktarx jaffettwaw il-pakkett. 
Barra minn hekk, il-vjaġġaturi jistgħu, fi kwalunkwe ħin qabel il-bidu tal-pakkett, jitterminaw il-kuntratt jekk iħallsu tariffa ta' terminazzjoni xierqa u ġustifikabbli. 
Jekk, wara li jinbeda l-pakkett, elementi sinifikanti tal-pakkett ma jkunux jistgħu jiġu pprovduti skont il-ftehim, iridu jiġu offruti lill-vjaġġatur arranġamenti alternattivi ta' vjaġġar xierqa b'ebda spiża oħra. Il-vjaġġaturi jistgħu jitterminaw il-kuntratt mingħajr ma jħallsu tariffa ta' terminazzjoni, meta s-servizzi ma jiġux pprovduti kif miftiehem fil-kuntratt u dan jaffettwa sostanzjalment it-twettiq tal-pakkett u l-organizzatur jonqos milli jagħti rimedju għall-problema. 
Il-vjaġġaturi huma wkoll intitolati għal tnaqqis fil-prezz u/jew kumpens għal danni fejn is-servizzi ta' vjaġġar ma jiġux eżegwiti jew ma jiġux eżegwiti b'mod xieraq. 
L-organizzatur għandu jipprovdi għajnuna jekk vjaġġatur ikun f'diffikultà. 
Jekk l-organizzatur jew, f'xi Stati Membri, il-bejjiegħ bl-imnut jisfa insolventi, il-pagamenti jintraddu lura. Jekk l-organizzatur jew, fejn applikabbli, il-bejjiegħ bl-imnut, jisfa insolventi wara l-bidu tal-pakkett u jekk it-trasport ikun inkluż fil-pakkett, ir-ripatrijazzjoni tal-vjaġġaturi hija żgurata.  
Il-lukanda għandha fis-seħħ protezzjoni mill-insolvenza ma' assiguratur  li ismu u d-dettalji ta’ kuntatt tiegħu jidhru fuq il-folja tal-lukanda.  
Il-vjaġġaturi jistgħu jikkuntattjaw lil din l-entità jekk is-servizzi jiġu miċħuda minħabba l-insolvenza ta' il-lukanda. 
Id-Direttiva (UE) 2015/2302 kif trasposta fil-liġi nazzjonali:  
Offerti imsieħba- Drittijiet ewlenin skont id-Direttiva (UE) 2015/2302:  
Jekk tagħmel prenotazzjoni għal servizzi addizzjonali tal-ivvjaġġar għall-vjaġġ jew btala tiegħek permezz ta' links ta' msieħba , int MHUX ser tibbenefika mid-drittijiet li japplikaw għal pakketti tal-ivvjaġġar skont id-Direttiva (UE) 2015/2302. 
Għaldaqstant, Accor mhijiex se tkun responsabbli għall-eżekuzzjoni xierqa ta' dawk is-servizzi addizzjonali tal-ivvjaġġar. F'każ li jkun hemm xi problemi, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-fornitur rilevanti tas-servizz. 
Madankollu, jekk tagħmel prenotazzjoni għal servizzi addizzjonali tal-ivvjaġġar permezz ta' din il- ħolqa/dawn il-ħoloq fi żmien 24 siegħa wara li tirċievi l-konferma tal-prenotazzjoni mill-kumpanija Accor, dawk is-servizzi tal-ivvjaġġar isiru parti minn arranġament tal-ivvjaġġar marbut. F'dak il-każ Accor għandha, kif mitlub mil-liġi tal-UE, protezzjoni fis-seħħ sabiex tħallas lura l-pagamenti tiegħek li għamilt lil għal servizzi li ma jkunux twettqu minħabba l-insolvenza ta' Accor, u, fejn neċessarju għar-ripatriazzjoni tiegħek. Jekk jogħġbok innota li din ma tipprovdix rifużjoni f'każ ta' insolvenza tal-fornitur rilevanti tas-servizz. 
Accor għandha fis-seħħ protezzjoni mill-insolvenza ma' WHITE ROCK INSURANCE (Europe) PCC Limited:  
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Il-vjaġġaturi jistgħu jikkuntattjaw lil din l-entità jekk is-servizzi jiġu miċħuda minħabba l-insolvenza ta' Accor. 
Nota: Din il-protezzjoni mill-insolvenza ma tkoprix kuntratti ma' partijiet oħra għajr għal Accor, li jistgħu jiġu eżegwiti minkejja l-insolvenza ta' Accor. 
Direttiva (UE) 2015/2302 kif trasposta fil-liġi nazzjonali:    


Pachetele de servicii - Principalele Drepturi în temeiul Ordonanţei Guvernului nr. 2/2018: 
Călătorii primesc toate informaţiile esenţiale cu privire la serviciile de călătorie înainte de încheierea contractului privind pachetul de călătorie. 
Există întotdeauna cel puţin un comerciant care răspunde pentru executarea corespunzătoare a tuturor serviciilor de călătorie incluse în contract. 
Călătorilor li se pune la dispoziţie un număr de telefon de urgenţă sau detaliile unui punct de contact unde pot lua legătura cu agenţia de turism organizatoare sau cu agentul de turism. Acest număr este disponibil pe fișa de informații ale hotelului. 
Călătorii pot transfera pachetul unei alte persoane, în urma unei înştiinţări efectuate în mod rezonabil şi eventual a plăţii unor costuri suplimentare. 
Preţul pachetului poate fi mărit numai dacă cresc costurile specifice (de exemplu, preţurile carburanţilor) şi dacă acest lucru este prevăzut în mod expres în contract, şi în orice caz nu mai târziu de 20 de zile înainte de începerea executării pachetului. 
În cazul în care creşterea preţului este mai mare de 8% din preţul pachetului, călătorul poate înceta contractul. 
În cazul în care agenţia de turism organizatoare îşi rezervă dreptul de a creşte preţul, călătorul are dreptul la o reducere de preţ dacă apare o scădere a costurilor relevante. 
Călătorii pot înceta contractul fără plata unei penalităţi de încetare şi pot obţine rambursarea completă a oricăror plăţi în cazul în care oricare dintre elementele esenţiale ale pachetului, altul decât preţul, s-a modificat în mod semnificativ. În cazul în care, înainte de începerea executării pachetului, comerciantul răspunzător de pachet anulează pachetul, călătorii au dreptul la rambursare şi, după caz, la o despăgubire. 
Călătorii pot înceta contractul fără plata unei penalităţi de încetare, înainte de începerea executării pachetului, în circumstanţe excepţionale, de exemplu în cazul unor probleme grave de securitate la destinaţie care sunt susceptibile de a afecta pachetul. 
În plus, călătorii au posibilitatea de a înceta contractul în orice moment înainte de începerea executării pachetului, în schimbul achitării unei penalităţi de încetare adecvate şi justificabile. 
În cazul în care, după începerea executării pachetului, elemente importante ale pachetului nu pot fi executate astfel cum s-a convenit, vor trebui oferite călătorului servicii alternative corespunzătoare, fără a implica plata unor costuri suplimentare. Călătorii pot înceta contractul fără plata unei penalităţi de încetare, în cazul în care serviciile nu sunt executate în conformitate cu contractul şi acest fapt afectează în mod substanţial executarea pachetului, iar agenţia de turism organizatoare nu remediază problema. 
Călătorii au de asemenea dreptul la reducerea preţului şi/sau la plata unor despăgubiri pentru daune în cazul în care serviciile de călătorie nu sunt executate sau sunt executate în mod necorespunzător. 
Agenţia de turism organizatoare trebuie să ofere asistenţă în cazul în care un călător se află în dificultate. 
În cazul în care agenţia de turism organizatoare intră în insolvenţă, plăţile vor fi rambursate. În cazul în care agenţia de turism organizatoare intră în insolvenţă după începerea executării pachetului, iar transportul este inclus în pachet, repatrierea călătorilor este garantată. Hotelul a contractat o asigurare pentru caz de insolvenţă cu societatea de asigurari ale carei date de contact figureaza in cpe fișa de informații ale hotelului.  
Călătorii pot contacta această societate de asigurari în cazul în care serviciile sunt refuzate din cauza insolvenţei Hotelului. 
Ordonanţa Guvernului nr. 2/2018 : 
Serviciile Partenerilor - Principalele Drepturi in temeiul Ordonantei Guvernului no 2/2018:  
Dacă rezervaţi servicii de călătorie suplimentare pentru călătoria sau vacanţa dumneavoastră prin intermediul linkurilor partenerilor mentionate in confirmarea rezervarii, NU veţi beneficia de drepturile care se aplică pachetelor în temeiul Ordonanţei Guvernului nr. 2/2018. 
Prin urmare, Accor nu va fi răspunzătoare pentru executarea corespunzătoare a respectivelor serviciilor de călătorie suplimentare. În caz de probleme vă rugăm să contactaţi furnizorul de servicii respectiv. 
Totuşi, dacă rezervaţi servicii de călătorie suplimentare prin intermediul acestor linkuri în termen de maximum 24 de ore de la primirea confirmării rezervării de către Accor, serviciile de călătorie respective vor deveni parte dintr-un serviciu de călătorie asociat. În acest caz, Accor deţine o asigurare, astfel cum impune legislatia UE, pentru a va restitui plăţile efectuate pentru servicii neprestate din cauza insolvenţei Accor. Vă rugăm să reţineţi că acest lucru nu înseamnă rambursarea si în cazul insolvenţei furnizorilor de servicii suplimentare. 
Accor a contractat o asigurare pentru caz de insolvenţă cu WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited 
Călătorii pot contacta această entitate în cazul în care serviciile sunt refuzate din cauza insolvenţei Accor la : 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Atenţie: Această asigurare pentru caz de insolvenţă nu acoperă contractele cu alte părţi decât Accor, care pot fi executate in ciuda insolventei Accor. 
Ordonanta Guvernului nr. 2/2018 : 


Ponúkané služby - Kľúčové práva podľa smernice (EÚ) 2015/2302: 
Cestujúci dostane všetky podstatné informácie o zájazde pred uzavretím zmluvy o zájazde. 
Cestovná kancelária nesie zodpovednosť za riadne poskytnutie všetkých služieb cestovného ruchu zahrnutých v zmluve o zájazde. 
Cestujúci dostane telefónne číslo pre núdzové situácie alebo údaje o kontaktnom mieste, prostredníctvom ktorých sa môže spojiť s cestovnou kanceláriou alebo cestovnou agentúrou, prostredníctvom ktorej si zájazd zakúpil. Toto číslo je uvedené na hotelovom hárku. 
Cestujúci je oprávnený postúpiť zmluvu o zájazde inej osobe v primeranej lehote a s ďalšími primeranými nákladmi. 
Cena zájazdu sa môže zvýšiť, len ak sa zvýšia osobitné náklady (napríklad zmena cien pohonných látok) a ak je to výslovne stanovené v zmluve o zájazde, a v žiadnom prípade nie neskôr ako 20 dní pred začatím zájazdu. Ak zvýšenie ceny zájazdu presiahne 8 % ceny zájazdu, cestujúci je oprávnený od zmluvy o zájazde odstúpiť. Ak si cestovná kancelária vyhradí právo na zvýšenie ceny zájazdu, cestujúci má nárok na zníženie ceny zájazdu, ak sa znížili príslušné náklady. 
Cestujúci je oprávnený od zmluvy o zájazde odstúpiť bez zaplatenia odstupného a dostať úplnú refundáciu všetkých platieb, ak sa podstatným spôsobom zmení niektorý zo základných znakov služieb cestovného ruchu okrem ceny zájazdu. Ak cestovná kancelária zruší zájazd pre začatím zájazdu, cestujúci je oprávnený na vrátenie zaplatenej ceny zájazdu a prípadnú náhradu škody. 
Cestujúci je oprávnený odstúpiť od zmluvy o zájazde pred začatím zájazdu bez zaplatenia odstupného, ak v cieľovom mieste alebo v jeho bezprostrednej blízkosti nastanú neodvrátiteľné a mimoriadne okolnosti, ktoré významne ovplyvnia poskytovanie zájazdu alebo prepravu cestujúcich do cieľového miesta. Zároveň cestujúci je oprávnený okrem toho kedykoľvek pred začatím zájazdu odstúpiť od zmluvy o zájazde za primerané a odôvodnené odstupné. 
Ak po začatí zájazdu nie je možné niektoré podstatné prvky služieb cestovného ruchu poskytnúť v súlade so zmluvou o zájazde, je cestovná kancelária povinná cestujúcemu ponúknuť vhodné náhradné riešenie bez dodatočných nákladov. Cestujúci je oprávnený odstúpiť od zmluvy o zájazde bez zaplatenia odstupného v prípade, ak služby cestovného ruchu nie sú poskytnuté v súlade so zmluvou o zájazde, táto je porušená podstatným spôsobom a cestovná kancelária nevykoná nápravné kroky. 
Cestujúci má právo na zníženie ceny zájazdu alebo na náhradu škody, alebo na oba tieto nároky, ak služby cestovného ruchu neboli poskytnuté alebo neboli poskytnuté riadne. 
Cestovná kancelária je povinná poskytnúť pomoc, ak sa cestujúci ocitne v ťažkostiach. 
Ak sa cestovná kancelária dostane do úpadku, platby cestujúceho budú refundované. 
Ak sa cestovná kancelária dostane do úpadku po začatí poskytovania zájazdu a ak zájazd zahŕňa prepravu, zabezpečená je repatriácia cestujúceho. 
Hotel má uzatvorenú zmluvu zabezpečujúcu ochranu pre prípad úpadku s poskytovateľom ochrany pre prípad úpadku, ktorého kontaktné údaje sú uvedené na hotelovom hárku. 
Cestujúci sa môže obrátiť na poskytovateľa ochrany pre prípad úpadku, ak sú služby cestovného ruchu odmietnuté z dôvodu úpadku hotela.  
SMERNICA EURÓPSKEHO PARLAMENTU A RADY (EÚ) 2015/2302 z 25. novembra 2015 o balíkoch cestovných služieb a spojených cestovných službách, ktorou sa mení nariadenie Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 2006/2004 a smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2011/83/EÚ a ktorou sa zrušuje smernica Rady 90/314/EHS bola transponovaná do právneho poriadku Slovenskej republiky ako zákon č. 170/2018 Z. z. o zájazdoch, spojených službách cestovného ruchu, niektorých podmienkach podnikania v cestovnom ruchu a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov:  
Ponúkané partnerov - Kľúčové práva podľa smernice (EÚ) 2015/2302: 
Ak si zarezervujete dodatočné cestovné služby pre Vašu cestu alebo dovolenkový pobyt prostredníctvom partnerských odkazov na potvrdeniach rezervácie, NEZÍSKATE práva vzťahujúce sa na balíky podľa Smernice (EÚ) č. 2015/2302 a v zmysle článku L.211-2 Kódexu cestovného ruchu. 
Spoločnosť Accor nezodpovedá za riadne vykonávanie týchto doplnkových cestovných služieb. Ak sa vyskytnú problémy, prosím Vás kontaktujte príslušného poskytovateľa služieb. 
Ak si však cez tieto odkazy zarezervujete ďalšie cestovné služby do 24 hodín od prijatia potvrdenia rezervácie u spoločnosti Accor, tieto služby budú súčasťou cestovných služieb. V tomto prípade má spoločnosť Accor ochranu, ako to vyžaduje právo Európskej únie, aby mohla vrátiť sumy, ktoré boli zaplatené za služby a ktoré neboli vykonané z dôvodu platobnej neschopnosti. Upozorňujeme, že v tomto prípade neexistuje žiadne ustanovenie o refundácií nákladov v prípade platobnej neschopnosti príslušného poskytovateľa doplnkových služieb. 
Spoločnosť Accor uzavrela zmluvu proti platobnej neschopnosti so spoločnosťou WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. 
Cestujúci môžu kontaktovať tento subjekt na adrese: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Poznámka: táto ochrana pred platobnou neschopnosťou sa nevzťahuje na zmluvy s inými stranami ako Accor, ktoré môžu byť uzatvorené napriek platobnej neschopnosti Accor. 
Smernica (EÚ) 2015/2302 v znení transpozície do vnútroštátneho práva: 
Zákon č. 170/2018 Z. z. o zájazdoch, spojených službách cestovného ruchu, niektorých podmienkach podnikania v cestovnom ruchu a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov:  


Package offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. 
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction or compensation for damages or both where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured.  
The hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the insurer whose contact details appear on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity if services are denied to them due to the hotel’s insolvency. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 
Partner Offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302:  
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the directive (UE) 2015/2302.  
Therefore, Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of booking with Accor, these travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by the directive (UE) 2015/2302, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not fully performed because of Accor’s insolvency. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider. 
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. if the services are denied because of Accor’s insolvency. 
Travellers may contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than Accor, which can be performed despite the insolvency of Accor. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 


Package offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. 
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction or compensation for damages or both where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured.  
The hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the insurer whose contact details appear on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity if services are denied to them due to the hotel’s insolvency. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 
Partner Offers - Key rights under the directive (UE) 2015/2302:  
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the directive (UE) 2015/2302.  
Therefore, Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of booking with Accor, these travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by the directive (UE) 2015/2302, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not fully performed because of Accor’s insolvency. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider. 
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. if the services are denied because of Accor’s insolvency. 
Travellers may contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than Accor, which can be performed despite the insolvency of Accor. 
Link to the directive (UE) 2015/2302 as transposed in national law: National transposition measures for the Package Travel Directive | European Commission ( 

United Kingdom

Package offers - Key rights under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018: 
Travellers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract. 
There is always at least one trader who is liable for the proper performance of all the travel services included in the contract. 
Travellers are given an emergency number or details of a contact point where they can get in touch with the organiser or travel agent. This number is available on the hotel fact sheet. 
Travellers may transfer the package to another person, on reasonable notice and possibly subject to additional costs. 
The price of the package may only be increased if specific costs rise (for instance fuel prices), and if expressly provided for in the contract, and in any event not later than 20 days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of the package, the traveller may terminate the contract. If the organiser reserves the right to a price increase, the traveller has a right to a price reduction if there is a decrease in the relevant costs. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee and get a full refund of any payments if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, are changed significantly. If before the start of the package the trader responsible for the package cancels the package, travellers are entitled to a refund and compensation where appropriate. 
Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for instance if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package
Additionally, travellers may at any time before the start of the package terminate the contract in return for an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. 
If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as agreed, suitable alternative arrangements will have to be offered to the traveller at no extra cost. Travellers may terminate the contract without paying any termination fee, where services are not performed in accordance with the contract and this substantially affects the performance of the package and the organiser fails to remedy the problem. 
Travellers are also entitled to a price reduction or compensation for damages or both where the travel services are not performed or are improperly performed. 
The organiser has to provide assistance if the traveller is in difficulty. 
If the organiser or the retailer becomes insolvent, payments will be refunded. If the organiser or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and if transport is included in the package, repatriation of the travellers is secured.  
The hotel has taken out insolvency protection with the insurer whose contact details appear on the hotel fact sheet. Travellers may contact this entity if services are denied to them due to the hotel’s insolvency. 
Link to the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018: 
Partner Offers - Key rights under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018:  
If you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday stay via the partner links on the reservation confirmations, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. 
Therefore, Accor will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems please contact the relevant service provider. 
However, if you book additional travel services via these links within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of booking with Accor, these travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case Accor has, as required by the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018, protection in place to refund your payments to Accor for services not fully performed because of Accor’s insolvency. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider. 
Accor has taken out insolvency protection with WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited. if the services are denied because of Accor’s insolvency. 
Travellers may contact this entity at: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than Accor, which can be performed despite the insolvency of Accor. 
Link to the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018: 


Pauschalreisen - Wichtigste Rechte nach der Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302: 
Die Reisenden erhalten alle wesentlichen Informationen über die Pauschalreise vor Abschluss des Pauschalreisevertrags. 
Es haftet immer mindestens ein Unternehmer für die ordnungsgemäße Erbringung aller im Vertrag inbegriffenen Reiseleistungen. 
Die Reisenden erhalten eine Notruftelefonnummer oder Angaben zu einer Kontaktstelle, über die sie sich mit dem Reiseveranstalter oder dem Reisebüro in Verbindung setzen können. Diese Nummer erscheint auf dem Hotelblatt. 
Die Reisenden können die Pauschalreise innerhalb einer angemessenen Frist und unter Umständen unter zusätzlichen Kosten auf eine andere Person übertragen.  
Der Preis der Pauschalreise darf nur erhöht werden, wenn bestimmte Kosten (zum Beispiel Treibstoffpreise) sich erhöhen und wenn dies im Vertrag ausdrücklich vorgesehen ist, und in jedem Fall bis spätestens 20 Tage vor Beginn der Pauschalreise. Wenn die Preiserhöhung 8 % des Pauschalreisepreises übersteigt, kann der Reisende vom Vertrag zurücktreten. Wenn sich ein Reiseveranstalter das Recht auf eine Preiserhöhung vorbehält, hat der Reisende das Recht auf eine Preissenkung, wenn die entsprechenden Kosten sich verringern. 
Die Reisenden können ohne Zahlung einer Rücktrittsgebühr vom Vertrag zurücktreten und erhalten eine volle Erstattung aller Zahlungen, wenn einer der wesentlichen Bestandteile der Pauschalreise mit Ausnahme des Preises erheblich geändert wird. Wenn der für die Pauschalreise verantwortliche Unternehmer die Pauschalreise vor Beginn der Pauschalreise absagt, haben die Reisenden Anspruch auf eine Kostenerstattung und unter Umständen auf eine Entschädigung. 
Die Reisenden können bei Eintritt außergewöhnlicher Umstände vor Beginn der Pauschalreise ohne Zahlung einer Rücktrittsgebühr vom Vertrag zurücktreten, beispielsweise wenn am Bestimmungsort schwerwiegende Sicherheitsprobleme bestehen, die die Pauschalreise voraussichtlich beeinträchtigen. 
Zudem können die Reisenden jederzeit vor Beginn der Pauschalreise gegen Zahlung einer angemessenen und vertretbaren Rücktrittsgebühr vom Vertrag zurücktreten. 
Können nach Beginn der Pauschalreise wesentliche Bestandteile der Pauschalreise nicht vereinbarungsgemäß durchgeführt werden, so sind dem Reisenden angemessene andere Vorkehrungen ohne Mehrkosten anzubieten. Der Reisende kann ohne Zahlung einer Rücktrittsgebühr vom Vertrag zurücktreten, wenn Leistungen nicht gemäß dem Vertrag erbracht werden und dies erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Erbringung der vertraglichen Pauschalreiseleistungen hat und der Reiseveranstalter es versäumt, Abhilfe zu schaffen. 
Der Reisende hat Anspruch auf eine Preisminderung und/oder Schadensersatz, wenn die Reiseleistungen nicht oder nicht ordnungsgemäß erbracht werden. 
Der Reiseveranstalter leistet dem Reisenden Beistand, wenn dieser sich in Schwierigkeiten befindet. 
Im Fall der Insolvenz des Reiseveranstalters oder – in einigen Mitgliedstaaten – des Reisevermittlers werden die geleisteten Zahlungen zurückerstattet. Tritt die Insolvenz des Reiseveranstalters oder, sofern einschlägig, des Reisevermittlers nach Beginn der Pauschalreise ein und ist die Beförderung Bestandteil der Pauschalreise, so wird die Rückbeförderung der Reisenden gewährleistet.  
Das Hotel hat eine Insolvenzsicherung bei dem Versicherer abgeschlossen, dessen Kontaktdaten in den Hotelblatt aufgeführt sind.  
Die Reisenden können sich an diese Einrichtung wenden, wenn ihnen Leistungen aufgrund der Insolvenz des Hotels verweigert werden. 
Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302 in der in nationales Recht umgesetzten Form: 
Partnerangebote - Wichtige Rechte gemäß der Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302
Wenn Sie über die Partnerlinks in der Reservierungsbestätigung zusätzliche Reiseleistungen für Ihre Reise oder Ihren Urlaubsaufenthalt buchen, erhalten Sie NICHT die Rechte, die gemäß der Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302 und gemäß dem Bundesgesetz über Pauschalreisen und verbundene Reiseleistungen für die Pauschalreisen gelten. 
Daher ist Accor nicht für die ordnungsgemäße Erbringung solcher zusätzlichen Reiseleistungen verantwortlich. Bei Problemen wenden Sie sich bitte an den jeweiligen Leistungserbringer. 
Wenn Sie jedoch innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Erhalt der Buchungsbestätigung von Accor über diese Links zusätzliche Reiseleistungen buchen, werden diese Reiseleistungen Teil verbundener Reiseleistungen. In diesem Fall verfügt Accor über die nach EU-Recht vorgeschriebene Absicherung, um Ihnen die Beträge zu erstatten, die Sie für Leistungen gezahlt haben, die aufgrund der Insolvenz des Unternehmens nicht erbracht worden sind. Bitte beachten Sie, dass in diesem Fall keine Erstattung im Fall einer Insolvenz des betreffenden Leistungserbringers von Zusatzleistungen vorgesehen ist. 
Accor hat eine Insolvenzabsicherung bei WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited abgeschlossen.  
Die Reisenden können sich an dieses Unternehmen wenden unter: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Hinweis: Diese Insolvenzabsicherung gilt nicht für Verträge mit anderen Parteien als Accor, die trotz der Insolvenz von Accor ausgeführt werden können. 
Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302 in der in nationales Recht umgesetzten Form: 


Pauschalreisen - Wichtigste Rechte nach der Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302: 
Die Reisenden erhalten alle wesentlichen Informationen über die Pauschalreise vor Abschluss des Pauschalreisevertrags. 
Es haftet immer mindestens ein Unternehmer für die ordnungsgemäße Erbringung aller im Vertrag inbegriffenen Reiseleistungen. 
Die Reisenden erhalten eine Notruftelefonnummer oder Angaben zu einer Kontaktstelle, über die sie sich mit dem Reiseveranstalter oder dem Reisebüro in Verbindung setzen können. Diese Nummer erscheint auf dem Hotelblatt. 
Die Reisenden können die Pauschalreise innerhalb einer angemessenen Frist und unter Umständen unter zusätzlichen Kosten auf eine andere Person übertragen.  
Der Preis der Pauschalreise darf nur erhöht werden, wenn bestimmte Kosten (zum Beispiel Treibstoffpreise) sich erhöhen und wenn dies im Vertrag ausdrücklich vorgesehen ist, und in jedem Fall bis spätestens 20 Tage vor Beginn der Pauschalreise. Wenn die Preiserhöhung 8 % des Pauschalreisepreises übersteigt, kann der Reisende vom Vertrag zurücktreten. Wenn sich ein Reiseveranstalter das Recht auf eine Preiserhöhung vorbehält, hat der Reisende das Recht auf eine Preissenkung, wenn die entsprechenden Kosten sich verringern. 
Die Reisenden können ohne Zahlung einer Rücktrittsgebühr vom Vertrag zurücktreten und erhalten eine volle Erstattung aller Zahlungen, wenn einer der wesentlichen Bestandteile der Pauschalreise mit Ausnahme des Preises erheblich geändert wird. Wenn der für die Pauschalreise verantwortliche Unternehmer die Pauschalreise vor Beginn der Pauschalreise absagt, haben die Reisenden Anspruch auf eine Kostenerstattung und unter Umständen auf eine Entschädigung. 
Die Reisenden können bei Eintritt außergewöhnlicher Umstände vor Beginn der Pauschalreise ohne Zahlung einer Rücktrittsgebühr vom Vertrag zurücktreten, beispielsweise wenn am Bestimmungsort schwerwiegende Sicherheitsprobleme bestehen, die die Pauschalreise voraussichtlich beeinträchtigen. 
Zudem können die Reisenden jederzeit vor Beginn der Pauschalreise gegen Zahlung einer angemessenen und vertretbaren Rücktrittsgebühr vom Vertrag zurücktreten. 
Können nach Beginn der Pauschalreise wesentliche Bestandteile der Pauschalreise nicht vereinbarungsgemäß durchgeführt werden, so sind dem Reisenden angemessene andere Vorkehrungen ohne Mehrkosten anzubieten. Der Reisende kann ohne Zahlung einer Rücktrittsgebühr vom Vertrag zurücktreten, wenn Leistungen nicht gemäß dem Vertrag erbracht werden und dies erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Erbringung der vertraglichen Pauschalreiseleistungen hat und der Reiseveranstalter es versäumt, Abhilfe zu schaffen. 
Der Reisende hat Anspruch auf eine Preisminderung und/oder Schadensersatz, wenn die Reiseleistungen nicht oder nicht ordnungsgemäß erbracht werden. 
Der Reiseveranstalter leistet dem Reisenden Beistand, wenn dieser sich in Schwierigkeiten befindet. 
Im Fall der Insolvenz des Reiseveranstalters oder – in einigen Mitgliedstaaten – des Reisevermittlers werden die geleisteten Zahlungen zurückerstattet. Tritt die Insolvenz des Reiseveranstalters oder, sofern einschlägig, des Reisevermittlers nach Beginn der Pauschalreise ein und ist die Beförderung Bestandteil der Pauschalreise, so wird die Rückbeförderung der Reisenden gewährleistet.  
Das Hotel hat eine Insolvenzsicherung bei dem Versicherer abgeschlossen, dessen Kontaktdaten in den Hotelblatt aufgeführt sind.  
Die Reisenden können sich an diese Einrichtung wenden, wenn ihnen Leistungen aufgrund der Insolvenz des Hotels verweigert werden. 
Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302 in der in nationales Recht umgesetzten Form: 
Partnerangebote - Wichtige Rechte gemäß der Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302
Wenn Sie über die Partnerlinks in der Reservierungsbestätigung zusätzliche Reiseleistungen für Ihre Reise oder Ihren Urlaubsaufenthalt buchen, erhalten Sie NICHT die Rechte, die gemäß der Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302 und gemäß dem Bundesgesetz über Pauschalreisen und verbundene Reiseleistungen für die Pauschalreisen gelten. 
Daher ist Accor nicht für die ordnungsgemäße Erbringung solcher zusätzlichen Reiseleistungen verantwortlich. Bei Problemen wenden Sie sich bitte an den jeweiligen Leistungserbringer. 
Wenn Sie jedoch innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Erhalt der Buchungsbestätigung von Accor über diese Links zusätzliche Reiseleistungen buchen, werden diese Reiseleistungen Teil verbundener Reiseleistungen. In diesem Fall verfügt Accor über die nach EU-Recht vorgeschriebene Absicherung, um Ihnen die Beträge zu erstatten, die Sie für Leistungen gezahlt haben, die aufgrund der Insolvenz des Unternehmens nicht erbracht worden sind. Bitte beachten Sie, dass in diesem Fall keine Erstattung im Fall einer Insolvenz des betreffenden Leistungserbringers von Zusatzleistungen vorgesehen ist. 
Accor hat eine Insolvenzabsicherung bei WHITE ROCK INSURANCE PCC Limited abgeschlossen.  
Die Reisenden können sich an dieses Unternehmen wenden unter: 
White Rock Insurance (Europe) PCC limited 
Vision Exchange Building 
Triq it – Territorjals, Zone 1, Central Business District 
Birkirkara CBD1070 
Tel: +350 200 43882 
Hinweis: Diese Insolvenzabsicherung gilt nicht für Verträge mit anderen Parteien als Accor, die trotz der Insolvenz von Accor ausgeführt werden können. 
Richtlinie (EU) 2015/2302 in der in nationales Recht umgesetzten Form: