Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences 5 sterren

Avis-klantbeoordeling (ALL beoordeling) 4.5/5 1.265 beoordelingen

Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences - Image 1
Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences - Image 2
Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences - Image 3
Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences - Image 4


Extras van het hotel

  • Centraal Seoul, op slechts enkele minuten lopen van het metrostation

  • Er zijn 331 kamers en 192 woningen met kamers met tussendeur beschikbaar

  • 1 restaurant en 3 bars, waaronder een prachtige rooftop bar

  • Geniet van het overloopzwembad buiten, het binnenzwembad, de fitnessruimte en de sauna

  • De kidszone is geopend van 8:00 tot 20:00 uur en op de eerste dinsdag van elke maand gesloten

Onze accommodaties

Take advantage of our Flight + Hotel offers


Hotel locatie

Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences

238 Euljiro, Jung Gu
04561 Seoul

Gps:37.566388, 127.004313

Toegang en transport


Inchecken vanaf - Uitchecken tot

Op het terrein
  • Zwembad
  • Parking
  • Huisdieren niet toegestaan
  • Pendeldienst
  • Restaurant
  • Rolstoeltoegankelijk
  • Fitnessruimte
  • Wifi
  • Airconditioning
  • Ontbijt
  • Bar
  • Vergaderzalen
  • 100% niet-roken accommodatie
  • Roomservice

Onze beoordelingen van gasten

Onze beoordelingen van gasten

100% gecertificeerde beoordelingen van gasten die echt bij ons hebben overnacht

Meer informatie

ALL beoordeling  4.5/5  1.265 beoordelingen

TripAdvisor score  4.5/5  637 beoordelingen

Certificaat van uitmuntendheid 2024

Fijn verblijf

Avis-klantbeoordeling 4.0/5

Rajesh Stellen - ALL bevestigde berichten

Goede hotel plus locatie, alles uitmuntend!

Dear Rajesh R., We very much appreciate your comments regarding your stay at the Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences. It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. I will share your comments with our team. I am sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all of our staff as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services. Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next visit will be as pleasant as the previous one. Sincerely, Terry Oh Front Desk Manager


Tripadvisor-waardering 5.0/5

Roam65011739850 Gezinnen - Gecertificeerde beoordeling door TripAdvisor

タイトル: “素晴らしいサービスを提供してくれたキム・ユンシク支配人” 今回の滞在で、ノボテルアンバサダーソウル東大門のキム・ユンシク支配人の素晴らしい対応に感動しました。彼は非常にプロフェッショナルで、問題解決能力に優れ、どんな状況でも冷静かつ迅速に対応してくれます。 また、キム支配人は英語だけでなく日本語も流暢に話すため、日本から訪れる旅行者にとって大変心強い存在です。彼の丁寧で温かい接客は、ただの「サービス」を超えて、心に残る特別な経験を提供してくれます。 もしノボテルアンバサダーソウル東大門に滞在されるなら、何かお困りの際にはぜひキム・ユンシク支配人をお尋ねください。このホテルが提供する最高のサービスと、その中でもキム支配人の素晴らしいホスピタリティにきっと感動されるはずです。 次回もぜひ利用したいと思いますし、キム支配人のおかげでこのホテルの価値がさらに高まったと感じています。ありがとうございました。

Dear valued guest, Warmest greeting from Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences. On behalf of the management and staff in Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences, we appreciate your positive comments regarding your experience. We are happy to know how much you were satisfied with our staff service. We will constantly do our best guest to have a memorable experience. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all of our team as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services. Once again, thank you for sharing your review and we look forward to welcoming you back in the future. Thank you. Best regards, Kevin Choi General Manager Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences


Tripadvisor-waardering 5.0/5

Paradise13936386165 Gecertificeerde beoordeling door TripAdvisor

Concierge 팀 너무 친절하십니다 너무 좋았습니다 服务很好 环境也很好 大家都很好 很干净整洁 设施齐全 非常满意

Dear valued guest, Warmest greeting from Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences. On behalf of the management and staff in Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences, we appreciate your positive comments regarding your experience. We are happy to know how much you were satisfied with Hotel service. We will constantly do our best guest to have a memorable experience. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all of our team as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services. Once again, thank you for sharing your review and we look forward to welcoming you back in the future. Thank you. Best regards, Kevin Choi General Manager Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences

Prima hotel

Tripadvisor-waardering 5.0/5

wandaspohr Stellen - Gecertificeerde beoordeling door TripAdvisor

Mooie ruime en schone kamers met heerlijke badkamer en lekkere bedden, vriendelijk personeel en een mooi zwembad op het dakterras. Qua ligging is het dichtbij openbaar vervoer om bijvoorbeeld naar het paleis te gaan. We hebben geen gebruik gemaakt van het ontbijt maar het kan haast niet anders dan dat dat ook goed is.

Dear valued guest, Warmest greeting from Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences. On behalf of the management and staff in Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences, we appreciate your positive comments regarding your experience. We are happy to know how much you were satisfied with our Location and Hotel service. We will constantly do our best guest to have a memorable experience. We are sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all of our team as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services. Once again, thank you for sharing your review and we look forward to welcoming you back in the future. Thank you. Best regards, Kevin Choi General Manager Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences

서울에 드문 루프탑 수영장

Tripadvisor-waardering 5.0/5

LEECGON Vakantie met vrienden - Gecertificeerde beoordeling door TripAdvisor

5년정도 만에 재방문함. 한국 호텔은 수영장 이용이 숙박당 1회로 제한된 경우도 있는데 일당 1회라 수영장 이용이 주목적이면 좋을 듯 함. 플래티넘 티어 웰컴드링크로 로비 바에서 칵테일 주문 가능해서 좋았고, 라운지 음식도 괜찮은 편이었음. 일요일 체크아웃이라 투숙객이 많다고 생각도 안들었는데 레이트 체크아웃을 2시까지 밖에 안준점은 아쉬움. 헬스장도 기구도 괜찮은 편. 가격 괜찮으면 가끔 방문하고 싶음.

친애하는 고객님께, 노보텔 앰배서더 서울 동대문 호텔을 방문해 주시고, 소중한 시간을 내어 이용 소감을 공유해 주셔서 진심으로 감사드립니다. 귀한 걸음을 해 주신 고객님의 마음을 편안함과 행복함으로 채워 드릴 수 있어 저희 또한 굉장히 큰 기쁨으로 여겨집니다. 또한 투숙하시면서 경험하신 수영장 이용, 웰컴드링크, 라운지 서비스까지 기억 해 주시고 아낌없는 칭찬을 해 주셔서 감사드립니다. 고객님께서 남겨 주신 칭찬과 소중한 리뷰는 모든 임직원들과 부서에도 공유하고 좀 더 개선하여 앞으로의 서비스 향상에 큰 힘이 될 수 있도록 하겠습니다. 다시 한 번 저희 노보텔 앰배서더 서울 동대문 호텔에 보내 주신 애정에 깊이 감사드리며, 가까운 시일 내에 다시 만나 뵐 수 있기를 희망합니다. 대단히 감사합니다. 최혁진 배상 General Manager Novotel Ambassador Seoul Dongdaemun Hotels & Residences

In samenwerking met TripAdvisor

Andere internetgebruikers beoordelen ons hotel

  • 1.463 beoordelingen 9.6/10 Locatie
  • 1.662 beoordelingen 8/10 Kamer
  • 1.409 beoordelingen 8.4/10 Service
  • 12 beoordelingen 9.7/10 Wifi
  • 655 beoordelingen 8.2/10 Netheid
  • 407 beoordelingen 8.6/10 Ontbijt
  • 364 beoordelingen 8.7/10 Sfeer
  • 362 beoordelingen 9/10 Eten

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