ibis Jaboticabal 3 Sterne

Note Kundenmeinungen (Bewertung ALL) 3.8/5 413 Bewertungen

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ibis Jaboticabal - Image 2
ibis Jaboticabal - Image 3
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  • 6 Autominuten vom Busbahnhof Jaboticabal

  • 7 Minuten vom Flughafen Jaboticabal

  • Haustierfreundliches Hotel: Kleine Haustiere sind hier willkommen!

  • Genießen Sie unsere Ausstattung, wie z. B. kostenloses WIFI im gesamten Hotel

  • Zimmer für Personen mit Mobilitätseinschränkung angepasst und ausgestattet

Unsere Unterkünfte

Lage des Hotels

ibis Jaboticabal

Avenida Major Novaes 70

GPS:-21.25392, -48.31422

Erreichbarkeit und Anbindung


Check-in ab - Check-out bis

Vor Ort
  • Restaurant
  • WLAN
  • Klimaanlage
  • Frühstück
  • Bar
  • 100 % Nichtraucherhotel


Die Bar "Comes e Bebes" ist rund um die Uhr an 7 Tagen der Woche für einen schnellen Snack geöffnet.

Unsere Gästebewertungen

Unsere Gästebewertungen

100% Zertifizierte Bewertungen von Gästen, die tatsächlich bei uns waren

Weitere Infos

Bewertung ALL  3.8/5  413 Bewertungen

TripAdvisor-Gesamtwertung  3.5/5  259 Bewertungen

IBIS- Jaboticabal esta com problemas e manutenção e limpeza do quarto e do banheiro

Note Tripadvisor 3.0/5

Antonio M Zertifizierte TripAdvisor Bewertung

O IBIS - Jaboticabal - SP, esta deixando a deseja na gestão do hotel. Os quartos estão ruins de manutenção -as paredes estão sujas - a limpeza esta deixando o quarto com teia de aranha, ar condicionado com sujeira, o banheiro com mofo, exaustor sem funcionar, chuveiro sujo- falta cuidado, falta carinho. O carpete do corredor esta cheirando ruim.

Hotel que atende executivos, familias e grupos muito bem !!!!

Note Tripadvisor 5.0/5

Mcspina Zertifizierte TripAdvisor Bewertung

O hotel é versatil, bem localizado e bem conservado e limpo; Já me hospedei anteriormente, sempre com conforto, privacidade e seggurança; se voce for a Jaboticabal e regiao, seja viajante indivicual, grupos, empresarial ou familia, esse hotel é A opção !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Padrão Ibis

Note Tripadvisor 3.0/5

thiagomarquezini Geschäfts-<br>reisende - Zertifizierte TripAdvisor Bewertung

Padrão Ibis, você já sabe o que vai encontrar, estacionamento fácil, fui bem atendido na recepção, educada e ágil, checkout rápido, café da manhã ok, dentro das limitações Íbis e quarto estava ok, higienizado, sem surpresas, acomodação dentro do esperado.

Olá Sr Thiago, Muito obrigada por ter avaliado sua recente estada no Hotel Ibis Jaboticabal. Sua opinião é muito valiosa para nós, já que nos esforçamos para melhorar sempre. Foi um prazer recebê-lo no hotel, e esperamos revê-lo novamente em breve. Atenciosamente, Franciele


Note Tripadvisor 1.0/5

Chris2018B Reisen mit Freunden - Zertifizierte TripAdvisor Bewertung

Our experience was terrible. I have stayed several times at IBIS out of the country and never experienced it. We found dirty bathroom, poorly washed bath linen; items spoiled at breakfast, delay to replenish coffee and milk, we arrived around 15:30 and had not tidied up the room. Horrible.

Hello, At Ibis we strive to always provide the best experience for our guests, we would like to apologize for what happened in your stay with us and commit ourselves to improving our services. We hope to see you again so that you have a great hosting. Thank you. Luciano Vatte. Manager

Good accommodation. Breakfast limited

Note Tripadvisor 4.0/5

clairabellx Familie - Zertifizierte TripAdvisor Bewertung

I really liked the room and bed quality. We had my nephew on the window bed and he was fine on the narrower bed. Air cin was effective. Fantastic shower so good that I took 2! Everywhere was spotless and pleasant. Checkin was slow as our country not listed (UK) and checkout slow as our cards wouldn't go through their machine and they had insufficient change to accept cash. Breakfast was a little limited in terms of quality, the fruit bejng uncovered and exposed to the air, and the coffee was disgusting. However we managed to get by on it, and it was cheap.

In Partnerschaft mit TripAdvisor

So bewerten andere Internetnutzer unser Hotel

  • 55 Bewertungen 8.7/10 Lage
  • 227 Bewertungen 3/10 Zimmer
  • 157 Bewertungen 7.3/10 Service
  • 6 Bewertungen 5/10 Internet
  • 112 Bewertungen 6/10 Frühstück
  • 105 Bewertungen 4.5/10 Sauberkeit
  • 93 Bewertungen 2.3/10 Komfort
  • 41 Bewertungen 1.2/10 Stimmung

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Trustyou

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