ALL loyalty programme – general terms and conditions governing the partnership with Latam Pass – Brazil.

  1. Conversion of ALL Reward points into Latam Pass – Brazil points
  2. Latam Pass – Brazil points conversion into ALL Reward points

ALL loyalty programme – general terms and conditions governing the partnership with Latam Pass – Brazil.

1. Conversion of ALL Reward points into Latam Pass – Brazil points

ALL members can convert their ALL Reward points into Latam Pass – Brazil points through the website. To do this, members will need to be associated with both loyalty programmes.

Reward points can only be transferred from your personal ALL account to your personal Latam Pass – Brazil account through the dedicated area in ""Manage my ALL points"" at

Information provided during requests for transfer is the responsibility of the member concerned, so providing incorrect, undue or insufficient information may result in the cancellation of the transfer. After the transfer is complete, members will be able to use the points according to the rules of the Latam Pass – Brazil loyalty programme to take advantage of the Reward and benefits of the programme. Members can only convert their Reward points in lots of 4,000 (four thousand). Each 4,000 (four thousand) ALL Reward points is equivalent to 2,000 (two thousand) Latam Pass – Brazil points.

Members cannot transfer their ALL points to third parties.

The allocated timeframe for transfer of points is 15 calendar days maximum.

2. Latam Pass – Brazil points conversion into ALL Reward points

Latam Pass – Brazil loyalty programme members can convert their Latam Pass – Brazil points into ALL Reward points.

To do this, the member must also be associated with the ALL programme.

This transfer can only be processed to a corresponding ALL account.

Latam Pass – Brazil points can be used according to the rules of the ALL scheme, meaning the member can enjoy all the Reward and benefits of the ALL loyalty programme.

Members can only convert their points in lots of 5,680 (five thousand six hundred and eighty). Each 5,680 (five thousand six hundred and eighty) Latam Pass – Brazil points is equivalent to 1,000 (one thousand) ALL Reward points.

Members must make their transfer request by accessing their personal Latam Pass – Brazil account. Information filled out at this point is the responsibility of the member concerned. Members are not allowed to convert their Latam Pass – Brazil points into ALL Reward points for third parties. A period of 15 calendar days maximum is allocated for the transfer to take place in the recipient's ALL account. Once Latam Pass – Brazil points are converted into ALL Reward points, they will be subject to the general conditions of use of the ALL loyalty programme."
