西安钟楼诺富特酒店 4 星

Tripadvisor 评级 5.0/5 7 评论

西安钟楼诺富特酒店 - Image 1
西安钟楼诺富特酒店 - Image 2
西安钟楼诺富特酒店 - Image 3
西安钟楼诺富特酒店 - Image 4



  • 酒店拥有 198 间客房,紧邻钟楼、回民街和西安城墙。




No 16 Anban Street, Xincheng District
710004 西安

GPS:34.260479, 108.950159



办理登记入住手续 - 从 办理退房手续

  • 不允许携带宠物
  • 餐厅
  • 轮椅可通行
  • 健身中心
  • 无限网络
  • 空调
  • 早餐
  • 酒吧
  • 100% 无烟酒店
  • 客房服务
  • 停车


The restaurant blends Eastern and Western cuisine. It provides guests with a delicious and healthy breakfast. Guests can order dishes for lunch and dinner, and can also be provided with an exclusive customized buffet.



来自 100% 认证入住过我们酒店客人的评论


TripAdvisor 评级  5.0/5  7 评论

Excellent Hotel with Superb amenities and friendly service.

Tripadvisor 评级 5.0/5

ThomasY940 Couples - 经 TripAdvisor 认证的评论

I count myself lucky to have picked this hotel for my Xi’an trip. First of all this hotel is very well situated at the heart of the city centre. Surrounding the hotel you can easily find foods outlets and restaurants. Night market and food stalls are just a stone throw away. Novotel hotel Xi’an only cater breakfast for its guests , but the breakfast spread is well enough to fill any discerning stomach. Room is big snd spacious, bathroom and toilet and wash area are separated so that one person can not occupied all three at one go. I also like the water pressure which is strong unlike most of the hotels. Air conditioning is also very powerful which is a must during the hotel summer time. Staff are friendly and helpful which is another key factor that can severely affect your stay. For me, if I am coming back to Xi’an again, I will not hesitate to choose Novotel Hotel Xi’an again.

Home away from home

Tripadvisor 评级 5.0/5

GoPlaces66198752503 家庭住宿 - 经 TripAdvisor 认证的评论

Great location for bell towel visitors, easy to walk around and visit other restaurants besides the hotel ones. The services were the best. From laundry room to dining room . Especially 贾新丽from the dining room, she helped us to get small cash changes from their acct office. We only had big bills from airport, she helped me packed food for my husband when he was sick in the room. The hotel also provided free self service laundry for us who had been on road for a while. ( only this hotel and cruises).,home away from home!

Amazing stay in Novotel Xi'an Bell Tower

Tripadvisor 评级 5.0/5

Adrian2m Couples - 经 TripAdvisor 认证的评论

We made a reservation initially for 3 days but due to the fact that I came here for the first time, I had to self-isolate and get some documents. They were really understanding and flexible and changed my reservation twice and also told me what I need to do before check in to comply with the Covid 19 policy. During our stay, the Front Office Manager went above his way to make us feel welcome and looked after. The service during the breakfast was also spot on: the staff saw my girlfriend and asked if I need cutleries (I'm a foreigner from their point of view) and remembered every morning when we came down for breakfast. We had an amazing time here, thank you soo much for your warm service. I hope to see you soon. Adrian and Claire

Xi'an visit -July 2021

Tripadvisor 评级 5.0/5

rdemarco08 Solo travel - 经 TripAdvisor 认证的评论

I had a great experience at Novotel Xi'an this summer. I've spent just a couple of days, and everything was just perfect. The accommodations are modern and very well maintained. The staff was always very attentive to any small need I eventually had. That included little small things like waiting to see which table I'll be using for my breakfast to then silently add silverware by my plate while I was helping myself at the buffet - and I have never asked for that. In particular, the hotel manager - Leo Wu - went above and beyond his duties to help me with my trip - from assisting in making arrangements with the tour guide from help with ordering food to be delivered on a night I came back late from the Terracotta Warriors site. I really recommend the Novotel Xi'an. The hotel is very well located and maintained and mainly due to the people who run the place - Leo and his staff.


Tripadvisor 评级 5.0/5

lukejin0223 家庭住宿 - 经 TripAdvisor 认证的评论

西安钟楼诺富特酒店位于新城区案板街16号,地处钟楼商圈核心位置,距钟楼仅咫尺之遥,步行数分钟即可抵达。 酒店距西安咸阳国际机场36km,车程1小时;西安北站16km,出行高峰期车程50分钟。 一、抵达酒店 11月23日19时抵达酒店,受限于品牌定位,酒店暂未设置礼宾岗。因此,首层迎宾大堂特备有行李车,供有需要的宾客自行取用。 办理入住手续,需前往2层大堂。出示证件及会员卡后,前台工作人员能够顺利识别会员身份,并迅速查找到相应订单。于华住管理门店而言,值得肯定。 与其余雅高酒店不同,会员欢迎饮品并非以赠券形式提供,而是于CI时发放,同智选假日类似。且欢迎饮品仅有可乐、雪碧可选,聊胜于无。 二、客房 客房由标准房升级至高级房,面积30平方米,设施齐全。 设计大体符合N ROOM规范,同时具备一定华住特质。空间规划相对合理,双人入住不至太过局促。 受华住运营理念影响,客房智能化程度较寻常诺富特酒店更高。电动窗帘、LED灯镜、全功能智能马桶皆为标配,使用便利。个人认为,此方面雅高管理酒店应适度跟进。 遗憾的是,客房未配备蓝牙音响,不及部分美居高级别房型。 备品方面,配置基本与雅高管理同品牌酒店无异,纯悦饮用水、Dilmah茶、胶囊咖啡皆与品牌定位相称,迷你吧另免费提供6听软饮(含果汁),结合酒店近期价格,诚意颇丰。除雨伞外(可于前台借取),其余生活用品配备周全。此外,鉴于近期酒店周边道路施工(入住期间实际未受影响),房内特备有耳塞,细致体贴。 作为商务品牌酒店,文具配备相对齐全,但除便签外,信封、信纸等印刷品均未配备,望及时补充。 步入客房后片刻,工作人员即送来欢迎礼,并主动告知若客房存在施工噪音或温度不适,皆可随时联系前台调换,服务意识值得嘉奖。 三、设施与服务 酒店公共设施皆位于2层,包括简易健身房、自助洗衣房及儿童游乐角。 健身房受面积限制,设备有限。但配置尚可,备有瓶装水及毛巾。 自助洗衣房配置大体与华住管理美居酒店相当,满足基本清洗需要。美中不足的是,未配备柔顺剂及消毒液,不及美居酒店。 儿童游乐角同样面积有限,个人认为仅适合低龄儿童使用。 服务方面,酒店团队整体服务意识尚可,就个人体验而言,呈现优于同城雅高管理诺富特酒店。 四、餐饮 FOOD EXCHANGE 食宜 全日制餐厅: 就早餐时段呈现而言,受餐厅面积所限,餐品选择有限,但出品尚可,服务无功无过。 较华住美居酒店,餐品设计更接近同档国际品牌,但整体依然极具华住风格,且收餐时间相对偏早(10:00 AM)。 LOBBY BAR 大堂吧: 大堂吧全日免费供应自助现磨咖啡,晚间,另备有甜汤。 据悉,每日下午免费面向全体住客提供茶歇。时间关系,本次入住未体验。 五、周边玩乐 酒店位置绝佳,信步即可抵达钟鼓楼、回民街等知名景点,于休闲旅客而言,极为友好。 同时,酒店同“悦荟”广场达成合作,住客持房卡及宣传册可于“悦荟”广场指定商户享受专属优惠(优惠力度尚可,9.9元电影票值得考虑,每间客房限购2张)。 六、整体评价 如标题所言,酒店位于城市核心地带,交通便利,位置优势不容忽略。 诚然,华住介入后,中国区诺富特品牌定位有所调整,不再聚焦于全服务市场。但价格优势亦日益凸显。且设施及服务尚仍处于可接受范围内。近期,酒店税前价格低至213元,而呈现远非同价位竞品所能企及。 因此,若以性价比论,酒店整体值得推荐。个人认为,非以酒店体验/城市度假为目的的休闲旅客,近期若到访西安,可将酒店列入考虑。

合作伙伴包含 TripAdvisor


  • 5,023 评论 9.8/10 位置
  • 3,701 评论 8.9/10 房间
  • 6,523 评论 9.5/10 服务
  • 24 评论 9.1/10 上网
  • 2,124 评论 9.7/10 清洁度
  • 1,569 评论 9.7/10 氛围
  • 1,391 评论 9.3/10 设施
  • 899 评论 9.1/10 早餐

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