加入 ALL - Accor Live Limitless 雅高心悦界加入客户忠诚计划,ALL并可在 3000 多家酒店中享受首次预订时的减免优惠
墨尔本南岸美居酒店是爱好美食的旅客的理想住宿选择。酒店距雅拉河岸的南岸步行道仅 601 米,步行 10 分钟即可抵达备受欢迎的伯克街购物中心购物区,步行 15 分钟可抵达皇冠赌场,另外酒店距弗林德斯街火车站仅 350 米。酒店提供 24 小时前台服务,所有客房均配备空调、小厨房、有线电视、保险箱和无线网络。
预订 墨尔本南岸美居酒店Mantra Southbank in the heart of Melbourne is positioned within moments of the city's vibrant arts and entertainment heart, with spacious apartments featuring excellent facilities. During your stay you'll have access to the indoor heated pool and spa, fully equipped gymnasium, secure parking, along with the fabulous onsite Mezzi Bar and Kitchen. Rooms are spacious, with your choice of 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments, with world famous shopping, restaurants and cafes on your doorstep.
预订 Mantra Southbank Melbourne入住雅高酒店及其合作伙伴位于南岸的任何一家酒店,尽享宾至如归的体验。从奢华酒店到经济型酒店,我们在南岸拥有不同类型的酒店供您选择,满足您在南岸开展商务活动、享受家庭度假或乐享周末悠闲的需求。