Ibis Lanzhou Customs House Hotel 3 étoiles

Note TripAdvisor 5.0/5 1 avis

Ibis Lanzhou Customs House Hotel - Image 1
Ibis Lanzhou Customs House Hotel - Image 2
Ibis Lanzhou Customs House Hotel - Image 3
Ibis Lanzhou Customs House Hotel - Image 4


Nos hébergements

Localisation de l'hôtel

Ibis Lanzhou Customs House Hotel

No.240, South Wanxin Road, Anning District
730070 LANZHOU

GPS:36.0966, 103.712

Les avis de nos clients

Les avis de nos clients

Avis 100% authentiques de nos clients ayant séjourné à cette adresse

En savoir +

Note TripAdvisor  5.0/5  1 avis

Good place to recover for a few days

Note TripAdvisor 5.0/5

Robert H Voyage solo - Avis TripAdvisor

This was a step above my usual budget but I received my money's worth. The room and facilities were of the usual Ibis high standard. The front desk staff were proficient with online translators and were very happy to start the washing machine and dryer for me. The location is a bit out of town but the number 88 bus takes you to the high speed train station.

En partenariat avec TripAdvisor

D'autres internautes évaluent notre hôtel

  • 810 avis 9.3/10 Site
  • 1 035 avis 9.4/10 Chambre
  • 1 222 avis 9.7/10 Service
  • 50 avis 9.7/10 Internet
  • 731 avis 9.8/10 Propreté
  • 549 avis 9.9/10 Ambiance
  • 407 avis 9.1/10 Confort
  • 338 avis 9.7/10 Petit déjeuner

Dispensé par Trustyou

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