メルキュールリスボンホテル 4 つ星

お客さまの声 (確認済みレビュー アコーホテルズ) 4.3/5 1,270 件のレビュー

メルキュールリスボンホテル - Image 1
メルキュールリスボンホテル - Image 2
メルキュールリスボンホテル - Image 3
メルキュールリスボンホテル - Image 4



  • AllSafe、Clean & Safe 認証を取得。無料の遠隔医療相談サービス。

  • 周辺にはレストランや公共交通機関があります

  • パノラマビューが楽しめるプールは 365 日間ご利用いただけます。

  • 動物園、グルベンキアン、エルコルテイングレ周辺

  • ミーティングルーム 5 室




1099-051 リスボン

GPS:38.737657, -9.165859



チェックインはからです - チェックアウトはです

  • プール
  • 駐車場
  • ペット不可
  • レストラン
  • 車椅子でのご利用に対応
  • Wifi
  • エアコン
  • 朝食
  • 会議室
  • 全館禁煙
  • ルームサービス


The Bicicleta restaurant has a modern and very cool design, with bicycles and plants as a decorative complement. It serves regional and international specialties until 11pm.





確認済みレビュー アコーホテルズ  4.3/5  1,270 件のレビュー

トリップアドバイザーの評価  4.0/5  1,744 件のレビュー


お客さまの声 4.0/5

た. 一人 - 確認済みレビュー すべて

4泊しました。 SDGSの取り組みがとても良いどう感じました。 部屋の清掃を行わなかった場合100ポイント何もらえることです。 離発着の航路上なので多少うるさいのが難点です。

HIROMITSU T. 様 この度は、Mercure Lisboa Hotel でのご宿泊に関します、貴重なご意見・ご感想をお聞かせいただき、誠にありがとうございました。頂戴いたしましたご意見・ご感想をもとに、更なるサービスの向上に尽力してまいります。 またのご宿泊をスタッフ一同、心よりお待ち申し上げております。 Paulo Castro Front Office/Receção www.mercure.com

A nice hotel close to everything

トリップアドバイザーの評価 4.0/5

Orracle51 Solo travel - トリップアドバイザー認証口コミ

I was on a group tour and came in early and had a nicer room than the tour—which meant I had to move. (Which went easier than I expected) Little hard to find but ride knew where it was. Strange check in area—no central disk, but small laptops on counters. I would say don’t pay more for a room—differences were more toiletries, a washcloth and fancy glasses. Both rooms had a small fridge. Lots of plugs and USB ports. Close to lots of shops and restaurants. Toiletries in large bottles so no small bottles to go to landfill. Beds were way too hard for my liking!

Find Just About ANY Other Hotel in Lisbon, PLEASE.

トリップアドバイザーの評価 2.0/5

WebmanPoconos トリップアドバイザー認証口コミ

The hotel is average, the beds were average, the room was average, the experience was average, you get my point. You will not leave the site singing its' praises. Because we were in November, no air conditioning was available even though temperatures were in the mid to high 70s (f). The best we could do, was open the windows. The staff was no really ready for prime time, they had consistent problems with providing accurate and workable key cards, a pain, since they had two small elevators for a 8-story building in the heart of a business district. The bathroom in tub shower was actually a challenge and, essentially, dangerous. We ended up on the second floor and, to same time, took the stairs down to the lobby only to find that the door from the stairwell would not open, the door handle just turned and turned. I knocked on the door until someone in the lobby opened it. When I the front desk staff about a genuine fire hazard, they seemed to indicate they already knew about the problem. The breakfast was terrible, even by U.S. Express Hotel standards. Please, please find another location to stay.

Dear Guest, Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience at the Mercure Lisboa Hotel. I am sorry that your experience did not meet your expectations; please allow me to express my sincerest apologies. At Mercure, we strive to provide a superior service experience for every customer; therefore your feedback is very important to us. Please rest assured that we are taking the appropriate measures to address the problem and prevent future occurrence. We appreciate your sharing your concerns, and it is our hope that you will give us the opportunity to better serve you in the near future. Sincerely, Paulo Castro Front Office/Receção www.mercure.com

Decent, but they need extra employees .

トリップアドバイザーの評価 4.0/5

Gardenlover31 トリップアドバイザー認証口コミ

Nice hotel not really walkable to stuff. Small lobby. Poor guy who had to double as bartender, waiter and cook for Saturday night . He worked hard but forgot my order, when it came it was not a hamburger as expected . Staff helpful , room nice but warm and no AC at this time of year.

Dear Guest We very much appreciate your comments regarding your stay at the Mercure Lisboa Hotel. It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback. I will share your comments with our team. I am sure that this feedback will serve as an encouragement to all of our staff as we strive to continuously improve the quality of our services. Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next visit will be as pleasant as the previous one. Sincerely, Paulo Castro

お客さまの声 4.5/5

Tf 一人 - 確認済みレビュー すべて

直前予約にもかかわらず,部屋のアップグレード,ミニバー無料,プール利用無料(使用せず )を適応してくれた.ビジネス街にあるので,観光地までは移動に少し時間がかかるが,夜は割と静かに過ごせる場所であった.

との提携 TripAdvisor


  • 467 件のレビュー 8.2/10 ロケーション
  • 678 件のレビュー 5.8/10 客室
  • 717 件のレビュー 9/10 サービス
  • 18 件のレビュー 8/10 インターネット
  • 314 件のレビュー 7.5/10 朝食
  • 252 件のレビュー 5.9/10 清潔さ
  • 195 件のレビュー 6.6/10 プール
  • 165 件のレビュー 3.5/10 雰囲気

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