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Lifestyle by Ennismore


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호텔 선택

  • 21c Museum Hotel Chicago - United States
    시카고, 미국

    21c Museum Hotel Chicago

    21c Museum Hotel Chicago는 이상적으로 다운타운에 위치하여 상징적인 Michigan Avenue에서 불과 몇 걸음 떨어져 있습니다. 21c는 방문객과 현지인 모두를 환영하며 엄선된 전시회 문화 프로그램과 요리 서비스를 즐길 수 있습니다. Magnificent Mile과 가까울 뿐만 아니라 21c는 또한 Museum of Contemporary Art, John Hancock Center Millennium Park, 유서 깊은 Water Tower 및 Navy Pier 등 문화 관광 명소에서 도보 거리 내에 있습니다. 21c는 예술로 가득찬 일상 도피입니다. 테스트.

  • 21c Museum Hotel St Louis - United States
    SAINT LOUIS, United States

    21c Museum Hotel St Louis

    Located in the heart of downtown St. Louis, and a short walk from the City Museum and CITYPARK stadium, 21c Museum Hotel St. Louis includes a 173-room boutique hotel, contemporary art museum, Idol Wolf restaurant, Good Press café, and Locust Street Athletic and Swim Club, a full-service wellness center. With more than 14,000 square feet of exhibition and meeting & event space seamlessly integrated into all areas of the property, there are opportunities to discover contemporary art around every corner.

  • 21c Museum Hotel Lexington - United States
    LEXINGTON, United States

    21c Museum Hotel Lexington

    21c Museum Hotel Lexington is an 88 room boutique hotel, contemporary art museum, cultural center and home to Lockbox restaurant. Woven into the fabric of downtown Lexington, 21c welcomes both visitors and the local community to enjoy the curated exhibitions and cultural programming.

Ennismore is a global collective of founder-built lifestyle brands.

아마도 당신도 좋아할 것입니다

*Freddy Awards & Frequent Traveler Awards.

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